Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hangin' at the Hotel

We had a fun day at Park City. Peter taking a nap after his lunch. 

Talking to Mel for her p-day. She will be able to call again tomorrow too, yay! 

We did a lot of sitting in the hot tub. I was usually with Daniel and Peter, and they didn't like the super hot ones, which was all of them except for one which felt freezing to me, so I did a lot of watching from a distance and the kids and cousins helped too. Owen brought a turkey from school as a festive decoration and taped it up on the wall. He is thankful for family, food, love, me, Corey, and... ducks. Alright, that is ok Owen! You can be thankful for ducks.

Joseph and his girl friend Amber came up for dinner and that was nice. We had a pasta dinner together with the Wrides tonight and we are going to have Thanksgiving with Hibberts tomorrow. After dinner we played hotel tag which was really fun. Abi and I scared Wesley and a friend Trinity really bad right at the end of the game, and that was best part of hotel tag for me. We tell the kids over and over again that there is NO RUNNING down the halls or we are going to get in trouble, but they can't help themselves when the team that was "it" was coming at them. We all like hotel tag. It's my own creation, good job me. Peter was a bit addicted to the telephone today, watching dinosaur videos on youtube. 

He's just waiting for dinner to be ready.

So we've just been chillin' out. It's nice to be up here. It's cold outside, Corey and Wes went home today to pick up Hockey sticks and ice skates cause there is an outdoor rink that they are hoping to try out. It's too bad that there is not enough snow to go skiing... Corey really was hoping this would be a ski weekend. Oh well, maybe next year.

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