Tuesday, December 7, 2021

100% Student

Before Owen left for school this morning, I checked his backpack papers... and look at what he got on his spelling test from last Friday! 100%!

AND four smiley faces on his oral dictation!! 
Way to go Owen! You've come a long way since October where he got four frowny faces! (I thought it was a little harsh)

I ran a few Christmas errands with the boys in tow. We went by Mr. Mac so I could get &collar shirts for Ethan and Hyrum. They had both requested those for Christmas. Joseph also wanted one, so I got one for him and Corey too. I went by Walmart after to look for some ties, but they don't sell ties anymore which surprised me. No luck finding rice milk either. So we bought pringles for a snack, at them in the parking lot (while we fed bits to pigeons) and then we went to the aquarium. Peter likes the turtles.
The otters were awake and active, they are cute.

Here's a picture of Wes after we got home from the aquarium. He had a busy day yesterday with early morning (4:45 am) hockey, and then another full day today and hockey practice this evening. We have a new deal where I check in on his work every week for any missing assignments, and if he has any, he can't go to hockey. So he has been getting up early and pulling a few long nights too to get everything done. I walked by after school and he had collapsed from exhaustion - taking a break on the floor. 
Collapse where you are. Reminds me of Joseph back in the day. He woke up in time for practice. 

A few other random notes - Corey signed up Wes and Abi for a Nauvoo EFY next summer. We'll take them after Park City and then pick them up after a week and do a little Church History tour. Should be fun. 

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