Sunday, December 5, 2021

December Birthdays

We went over to Corey's parent's house after church to wish Wayne a very happy birthday. 
We also let any other grandkids with December birthdays make a wish. Everyone got a turn blowing out the candles and getting their germs all over the frosting, ha. Peter did it in Melodie's behalf. He took his responsibility very seriously
(He also looks super silly in that Spiderman jacket - the hood is supposed to go over the face like a mask, but Peter wears it up and it kinda makes him look like Toad from Mario Brothers. Blowing out the candles.
After lunch and festivities with the Wrides, we hurried home and grabbed our instruments and hurried over to the church for a devotional and social activity. We didn't catch any of the Christmas devotional cause we were in the nursery with the kids. Peter was had fallen asleep on the drive home from Wrides and didn't appreciate being woken up before he was fully rested, thus he was a bit tired and crying uncontrollably. I got a video of Natalie and Sophi playing their Christmas songs. No one was really watching the performers, which helped me not be as nervous when Abi and I played. We did "Bring a Torch" and played along to Manheim Steamroller music. It was pretty ok I think, no hugely noticable errors, just the usual beginner advice that it would be good to improve my tone. Corey was visiting with people and didn't get a video, not that I'd share it, but I did want to hear myself. It was fun though. I love the violin.

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