Sunday, December 12, 2021

Christmas Concert

Happy Birthday Melodie!! God gave us a beautiful winter sunrise in your honor. I took a picture of it, but it didn't do it justice. I hope Brazil gave her a lovely day! Today we had church which was wonderful as always, and then tonight Sophi and Natalie had a Christmas concert. 

It was held at my parent's ward chapel and was super crowded already when we got there. My parents came and Corey's parents. They couldn't tell where Natalie and Sophi were, so I took a pic even though I was pretty far away too, zoomed in, and tried to point them out- 

The concert was out here because Miss Amy did the concert with another violin school and their teacher lady is in my parent's Stake and this is like something she does every year. But I think she's going to stop teaching soon so Miss Amy is going to maybe take on the tradition? It was fun to be in my old ward house. It was a good place to grow up and have those developing years of my childhood. Their cultural hall/gym was so fancily decorated! My mom said that some group in the church does it (maybe take turns each year?) and they leave it up all month for all the different wards to use as needed and some families even hold family parties there. It was cool and very pretty and fun. Pretty good idea to get it all fancied up and then leave it and share it. After the performance with Wayne and JeNeal - 

They were late coming in, cause after they got here tonight, they were closing up their car, and the sliding door on their Honda Odyssey wouldn't close!!! It was stuck open! Just like happened to us! Only we were lucky cause ours happened at home in our garage. They had to trust that no one would steal anything from their car while they were in watching the performance, and then they hurried out to go home and had to drive in the cold winter air for 20 minutes with the door open (cause they didn't take the freeway) Brr!! I was glad it was all fresh on my mind from October, so I told Wayne that from what I just learned, the part is on back order and that our mechanic just cut the wire for us. But darn, such a pain. Not as bad as life at Valley Forge, but still, I felt sorry for them to have to drive home in the cold wind. Quick pic with my parent's too - 
Daniel was the only sibling that came to show support. All the kids at home asked me if there would be refreshments "I doubt it" but Daniel still came, and there were cookies, so he went to town and let everyone at home know they had missed out. The Christmas tree cookies were his favorite. A picture with Miss Amy - 
The girls did a great job. They have a few more performances this week - like all day on Tuesday and then some Orchestra performances on Friday before school lets out for the winter break. 

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