Saturday, December 11, 2021

Last Theater for the Season

We are loving the snow outside. Peter dressed up and ready to go play. I'm not sure who helped him, but he looks covered enough I guess, so it works. 

Cute boy.

Some things that happened today: Corey went shopping, Costco. We helped Wes get a corsage for his Winters dance and date tonight. At 3:30, I took Sophi, Natalie, Owen and Daniel to Hale Center theater today to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. 

I didn't want to go see it, but I offered myself to be the driver and supervising parent for this activity. I don't think we'll get tickets next season though.
It's kinda like with Thanksgiving Point - we get a membership for a year, until the kids are sick of it and don't want to go anymore, so then we take a year break, and after a year they get to the point that they want to go again for a little bit. No one really wanted to go today to the theater, Lily had already seen it with school, and Abi didn't like the movie, so I made the kids come. 
I think the performance was well done and the set was impressive, but it would have been nice if it wasn't such a stupid story. After getting home, I took to the internet to see how, when, and why such a production was made. It is based on a play/movie (1968)/musical. I haven't read the book but I'm going to guess that the book is stupid too, even though it was a best seller in 1964 England. Ok, so I'll give them a pass since it's old... but so much of it was just so dumb to me. A lady named "Truly Scrumptious"? An evil Baron and Baroness who rule a country named "Vulgaria"? Ugh. I prefer smart movies and names that have fun things that the adults catch and keeps their minds engaged, like many of the Pixar movies. 

This production reminded me of Corey's comments after he took Lily to Disney on Ice ten years ago... so funny. Some of Corey's quotes after that parental sacrifice of his time: "I was trying to think what makes me more tired: shopping, talking about lists, or shows like that...." "Did YOU go sit through all of that?!?!" he asked Ethan when Ethan wanted some of their fast food after picked up on the way home. Corey musing on the ice skaters... "You know, not everyone gets to make it to the Olympics..." "There's only so much you can do with ice skates, so if you want to stay something of significance, it's a double axle!"  "... Once I figured out how the skaters fit into the costumes, there wasn't a lot of cerebral activity. Yeah, once I figured that out, there wasn't a lot to concentrate on." "So basically, they took the funniest parts of the movie, ...and ruined them." "...and a lot of overpriced merchandise" (Small Buzz Lightyear figurine - $20 bucks)  "No, it's good. It's good that there's a career path for those that put in their time at the rink. I'm glad there's a pay off at some level."

Back to Hale Theater from tonight - the guy who was the actor for the Baron did a good job though for such a stupid acting roll, and I did like their royal sparkly costumes. I won't get that time in my life back, but I went and did something with the kids, so go me. Hooray for parenting sacrifices, it's good to do things together, even if they're sometimes dumb. I was able to cleanse my palate by going to the Draper temple for an endowment session. It was sooo windy and cold!!! All I could think of as I hurried from the car to the doors and back from the temple to my car was how absolutely freezing the poor pioneers in Martin's Cove must have been. So I have to go sit through Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but they were freezing to death for days. I know I have the lesser trial, so I will not complain.

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