Friday, December 24, 2021

Early Christmas Surprise

Tonight we are headed up to Layton to hang out with Corey's side of the family for our annual Wride Christmas Eve party. We've hosted the party once, and it's been at his parents house, but usually we go to Corey's brother's house in Layton. That was the case for this year. But yesterday I told Corey that I did not want to go if I had to try to hid my tummy and the fact that we are expecting again. I think I was able to hide it ok enough over Thanksgiving and at Park City, and then again at the Curtis Family gathering, and after that I figured I was home free, since I was not planning on seeing anyone until Christmas. Which would work out since Corey wanted to wait until Christmas to tell the kids and his family. But then we were invited over for Wayne's birthday on the 5th... I wore a big sweatshirt and sighed "Ok... I can probably maybe hide it one more time..." but now here we are a few weeks later again and I am definitely showing enough that I can't hide the truth anymore. So I told Corey I would not be going to the festive gathering tonight with his family unless we acknowledged what I felt would be obvious to the adults present. He said it was ok, so we decided to tell the kids first and then they'd share the news with everyone tonight. JW&A already knew, as do all our missionaries, but it was time to clue LSNODP in. We were waiting until the gender check ultrasound, which was this past Monday, and if it was a girl that would be extra fun, since Lily, Sophi, and Natalie have ALL been telling us separately for the past few months that they want a little sister. Lucky for them, we just found out on Monday that it is a girl. Here she is doing a little "put your hands in the air" celebration waving at them. 

After the ultrasound on Monday, I went by Zurchers and got present for Peter, and a pack of gender reveal pencils, then by Kid to Kid for a little outfit. We called the kids together today before we left for the party for Peter to open his present. It was a hat that says "Coolest Big Brother Ever!"

We thought that would be enough to share the news, but the girls didn't get the hint. Video below ~

So they didn't know until Corey whispered in their ears that Peter's hat might mean that I am pregnant... And then we got the surprised expressions we were going for and a lot of excited gasps!
Lily - "If this is a joke I am going to be so mad!" It's not a joke, and when they asked if it was a boy or girl, I had them look at the bag of something behind my back. Yes, it's a girl! 
They are all excited. The girls have been waiting for another girl for a few years. They were a little upset when they found out Peter was a boy, (Lily's sad expression at 1:55) but he has not been a disappointment at all, so if it was a boy, we would be totally happy with another cutie like Peter...
Even if he does have the creative bad habit of snipping ornaments off of the tree!
My little Charlie Brown ornament, that I bought cause it looked like my little toe head Owen ,has had his string clipped at the roots... not sure how I'm going to fix that yet, it made me laugh. Peter makes a mess but he can do no wrong. So, yeah, the kids are excited for a girl though. There was jumping up and down and cheering. We are happy too and feeling humbled at our abundant blessings. It will be fun to share our joy with others. Joseph it out doing some last minute shopping, the kids are killing time playing the Wii again, and we'll go up to Layton after he gets back. Exciting news. 

And now it's 10 pm and we're back from the party. I liked these lights that they had up - "Oh what fun it is to WRIDE!" haha, funny! We had a taco bar dinner, and there was a hot cocoa bar and lots of desserts.
After dinner we held the family talent show. 
Then we played some reindeer games - how many candy canes can you grap - 
...and throw the ring over the reindeer antlers - 
Peter wearing a Rudolph nose that Lily won - in pinned down his cute ears, haha.
Then we had one ball for the saran wrap game. It seemed to help it be less crazy than years past. 
One thing that was really funny there was watching the little boys play. Owen and Daniel both were very dutifully rolling the dice over and over again - not knowing that they were supposed to be watching the dice for if they got doubles. They didn't know the object of the game, but they were trying hard. It was also funny to watch Joseph - several times it was taken from him as soon as he got it. 
It was especially funny in that clip above, cause it had taken him so long to roll doubles (starting at :48) - like over 25 rolls! and then Isaac got doubles and took it right away (1:20). His resigned expression was great. That's life sometimes, huh! After the games, we watched a video presentation that Wayne had, while he read the scriptures from the Bible and then we sang along with carols and hymns for each one. Snuggling with Peter as we listened. 
Christ is the reason for the season. I didn't do the Light the World stuff this year, as I've just been trying to survive from some lingering morning sickness, but I do feel the peace of Christ when I hold my kids. I'm grateful to be a mother. My family is His greatest gift to me. 

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