Thursday, December 23, 2021

Holiday Skiing at Alta

Corey wanted to go skiing today, but my only goal for the day was to mail our missionaries their Christmas packages. I was not ready to ship them yet, cause I still didn't have any letters from their siblings. I've been waiting for the kids to each write letters, but only Lily did it, but it was crunch time, and I had to send them today or else, so one sibling letter was all they got (and a note from me). Super late, I know, but atleast I could tell them that they were sent before Christmas. They definitely won't arrive before Christmas, and for Hyrum that's ok, cause he said it's been torture to just look at and not open the gifts grandma sent. Ethan's will hopefully be there in two weeks, and Mel's might never arrive... the Brazil mail system is not reliable. So I didn't sent her anything valuable, it was a small box with mostly chocolate, and cost me $30 to ship, which is stupid, but hey, trying to be festive and supportive. She is going to be home in March, so we'll see if it gets there before she's on the plane home. I got those off around 10, and then we went skiing. Corey bought a parking pass, so we weren't that worried about being late. Little Peter read to go!!
Joseph came up and joined us, which was fun! Cute little Peter walking through the slush.
It was kind of a warm temperature - the warm before the storm, cause there was a storm blowing in. We don't mind cause we all have goggles this year, yay. We learned from our experience at Jackson Hole that goggles can make the difference between a good and bad experience. Today was good, not too icy. In line for the lift - Corey in the back with Peter and I think Natalie was with them, I had Daniel with me, Joseph in front next to Sophi in pink, and Abi in black next to her in black. 
Wes didn't come, so he could try to catch up on homework and he had work, and Lily had to babysit, so they both stayed home. Abi, Sophi, Joseph -
It was a good time. We did a few runs and then stopped for lunch. It seems like the kids usually ask when we're stopping for lunch on the first or second runs of the day. They are lucky their father cares.
Corey makes pb&j sandwhiches, packs cans of pringles, and gets a thermos of hot chocolate ready every ski morning. I bring along a baggie of dried fruit and nuts. If it were up to me, we'd all just squirrel away a bag of food in our pockets and call it good - we wouldn't even have to stop and sit, we could just nibble on the chairlift. So yeah, they are grateful their father takes the initiative and we don't have to resort to my default.
Cute Natalie and Peter
After lunch, ready to hit the slopes again.
I was on Daniel duty, and he and I took a right and went down Pasty Marley on one of our last runs. The next time he wanted to show it to Natalie. But she went a little faster and ahead of us and missed the turn to Patsy and was down on Crooked Mile. Daniel took the right turn for our plan, but I called after him that we had to go the other way with Natalie. He started to come and went down a small hill - 
and after he was down, he said he wanted to do Pasty and wouldn't come. But he couldn't go up. He collapsed on the ground in protest. I was getting frustrated. 
So Natalie hiked up and then I tried to hike up the hill with my skis and pull Daniel up which was kinda impossible and I was heev-ing and ho-ing and almost cursing it was so exhausting and difficult to move him. It took us like 15 minutes, Sophi and Abi zipped by asking what we were doing. I'm just making myself angry. We finally got up to Patsy and went down that way, which isn't even as fun as Crooked Mile anyway. It was a blizzard.
And after that last run, I was done, and that was ok cause it was time topack up and go home anyway. Corey and the kids were staring to load up in the car. Peter peeking out of and then hiding back in his bula.
Making Owen laugh. 
Time to head home. We weren't stuck in much traffic. Good ski day. Corey thought we'd all go ski on Christmas Eve, cause it's a tradition, but we have a family party tomorrow so today worked out well. Now the kids are all excited to focus on the holiday. Christmas is so close!! Hooray

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