Thursday, December 9, 2021

First Snow of the Season

We finally got some snow this morning! I helped the kids get their boots and coats before school.

There wasn't as much as I was expecting, but it's still good, and I know the mountains got a lot, so hooray for the start of the ski season. Daniel and his friend Millie played outside for a while today. Millie's mom sent me a pic of them playing at their house. Nice wig, D! 

After they had spent some time over there, they were walking back and Millie came in and told me that Daniel fell in the street. I hadn't gotten out his decent coat or gloves yet, so he got cold and wasn't happy. Sorry buddy!

Daniel is wearing Peter's fall jacket that is too small for him (D). After school, the kids all had fun sledding and tromping around in the snow. Abi and Lily gave each other a polar challenge...

Go do a snow angel barefoot! Challenge accepted and they both ran out.
And then I made them do it again so I could get a video of it.
"You ready mom? Cause weren't not doing this a third time..." they got very cold and were laughing/screaming. 
And then I mopped the floor. 
The girls tonight reminded me of our cold pool challenge in the spring of this year. And it was good prep for the annual polar bear challenge coming up on new years eve! Here's the challenge from 2019 - last few pics. Fun memories.

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