Friday, December 10, 2021

Wax Museum - Ruby Bridges

Today it was Natalie's turn to participate in the 3rd Grade Wax Museum. 

She was Ruby Bridges.
It's pretty easy for Natalie to pull off a cute little school girl. 
It was good thinking of her to have a smile as her expression - it made it easier for her to not break character when we came by and were waving at her. 

She was very committed to her pose. 
I think Natalie was also wise to bring a chair to sit on. Kids that have to stand the whole time tend to find it very challenging, like Hyrum did! We've had lot of years of wax museums. Joseph was Mitt Romney, Melodie was Sacagawea, Ethan missed it cause he was going to school in ChileHyrum was Abraham LincolnWes was Norman RockwellAbi was Helen KellerLily was Amelia Earhart (great hair Lil!), and Sophi as Sally Ride. I think it's cool that I haven't helped my kids pick their "Great American"s at all and they've each chosen someone different. 

I wasn't totally stoked about having to leave the house and face the cold world outside, but parents must support their children, so it must be done. I helped the boys put on coats and boots but they were still in their pajama pants. They were having a hart time waiting in the slow long line, and I saw an opportunity when the wax statues were taking a "shake it out" break, and when D&P were up on the stage getting out some of their energy, to sneak ahead in line to get closer to Natalie. My apologies to any of Natalie's classmates if they noticed that I did not stop by their statue.

Daniel was a little disappointed in this "museum" - I think he thought we were going to a cool new place like Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum or Museum of Curiosity. So he was a little disappointed, sorry buddy. But he was glad to go to the school for a little bit and is very excited to start school next year.

Just one little moment from this morning that I want to record and hope I can capture and remember... this morning I woke up around 5 and went in to the boys room, so that when my alarm went off at 5:40, I could keep laying there and tell Wes to get up for seminary. Right after I went in there at 5 though, Peter woke up and came looking for me. He saw that I was in his bed and came and lay down next to me. Then in the most adorable squeeky tired little voice, he asked me something, which I couldn't quite understand... I said "Mmm hmm" as I patted his head, and then he said "Ok mom, here you go" and he lifted up his blanket that I had put on him and shared it with me. Then I knew he had asked "Mom, do you want some gain-gek?" (gain-gek=blanket) and I laughed and my heart swelled with his sweetness. As Wesley often proclaims, I too "love him so much!!!" Pic of Wes and Peter tonight. 
Peter is so sweet and lovely and I LOVE HIM! I'm so grateful I have sweet Peter in my life. So blessed and lucky. Thank you Lord.

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