Monday, December 20, 2021

Gender Check Ultrasound

Hello Hello. I am waaay behind on the blog. Maybe cause it's Christmas-time (not that I've done a ton of Christmas preparation... I haven't sent any of my missionaries their Christmas packages yet!!! I think I need deadlines)... maybe it's cause I have a large family and it's getting harder to do the things I want to do. Last week I did prepare a lot for gospel doctrine yesterday - a discussion on the Family Proclamation. I haven't practiced violin as much as I want. I haven't been exercising. Maybe I'm anemic. I did lab work today, so we'll find out about that soon enough. 

Ok, so I did actually write that above on Dec 20. Now it is Feb 3rd, and it is still true that I am way behind on the blog. Only a few more entries until I'm done with December... When it was Dec 20th, though, we had not told most our children that we were expecting. I did go in that day to a doctor appointment, where I had a gender check ultrasound. We were excited to be able to deliver to Lily one of her Christmas wishes - a baby sister. Yes, it's a girl. I went by Zurchers on the way home and picked up some "It's a girl" pencils and I also got this hat for Peter, and we gave it to him on Christmas Eve as a reveal present to him and an early Christmas surprise for all the kids. 
We are all excited and looking forward to welcoming this little girl into our eternal family. Two more pictures for "today" (aka Dec 20th) - a cute little boy named Owen who is excited for Christmas - 
And a letter he wrote to Santa. He was getting it ready to give to him with the milk and cookies on Christmas Eve - 
"To Santa From Owen. Santa you are nice. Thanks for the presents. Thanks for the treats. To Santa: We gave you cookies. Star cookies too and Christmas Tree cookies too. You are sweet. I love you and you love me too."

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