Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Out to a Movie

For Christmas, Joseph got two gifts for his siblings - one is a family card came for us to play, and the other one was a movie ticket for each kid to go see Spider-Man! Peter loved it the most - there were three Spider-Man's flying around in the fight scene at the end! Wow! 

I didn't get to enjoy Peter's cuteness, cause he was sitting by Wes, but I saw a little bit at the end. He was mesmerized. 
Joseph invited his Aunt Nancy and her kids to come, so that was fun. 11 tickets for us and 3 for them - we took up the whole row.
Visiting after the movie. Some of the kids have been coughing, but no fevers. They wore mask in but I didn't see if they kept them on. But I didn't notice any coughing during the show, so that was good that it seemed to be under control. As one of my sisters said recently, coughing is the new leprosy, and you just feel like everyone is scared of you for being unclean. I thought that was a good way to describe it!
Wes and Peter talking about SPIDER-MAN!
Back at home after the movie and talking to Hyrum - 
Peter looked pretty funny in these pictures. He's go great eyebrows.

Nothing else to report for today, other than the kids did practice music before we went to the movie, so that was good. They asked to play the Wii a lot, but I said no. Yesterday was a kinda recovery day for Corey and I - he did a little bit of work and did some returns, I tried to clean a bit, and Abi took down the trees and all the Christmas decorations all by herself! She took a nap before she was had finished, and that's ok.

I wouldn't have minded if they stayed up for a few more days, I just wanted them down before the kids were back in school, but she decided to just get it all done, so yeah, thanks Abi! She put up all the decorations and took them all down. She's amazing. It'll be nice to have the front room back to normal. Monday we let the kids play the Wii for one last time. I actually said no, but Owen pleaded "Dad said we could play on Monday..." so I said fine, but this is the last Wii day. Actually, if Corey wants to let them have a little more time playing that is his decision, but I'm sick of it and the constant requests to play it.  It has too strong of a hold on their brains and they can't think of anything else to do. I told Daniel today, after one of the many times that he asked to play "Why don't you go play with some of the toys you got for Christmas?" to which he replied with a wallowing cry of "Noooooo..." So, Corey, we can maybe save ourselves a lot of money and hassle next year by just skipping gifts for the some of the kids altogether! 

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