Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Package from Brazil

Yesterday we received a Christmas package from Brazil! Thank you Mel! Wesley worked last night so Corey saved it until today when we were all home. Inside were lots of treats and a letter to each person in our family. Peter reading his letter - Mel drew him some pictures!

Everyone reading their letter - and excited to have the BIS treats
Owen was able to read most of his letter on his own! He just needed help with the words "practicing" and "few". I like Mel's disclaimer at the end next to her drawing of her and Owen -
"Wesley, if you're reading this don't judge my poor drawing skills, It's late here and I'm tired" - haha
It was a lazy day at home. When I took this picture, I said "Joe, have you been in your pajamas all day?" and he admitted that he had been. But today was the last lazy day. Tomorrow we gotta clean up and kids have to remember how to contribute to the world. I guess a lot of the kids have been sick with coughs and sore throats, but they gotta get better so that we can all go up to our friend's cabin for New Years Eve. If anyone is sick, I've volunteered to stay home, cause I could catch up on the blog and cause Corey would do a better job getting everyone skiing (everyone who is not sick). Corey and I went out on a date tonight to Braza Grill. We went tonight cause we're going to miss this Friday night because of New Years at Brighton, and cause we missed last week cause of Christmas Eve. I hope the kids all feel better and that we make it up to the party.

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