Saturday, December 4, 2021

Weekend Pics

Here are a few pictures from this weekend. Owen and Daniel all dressed up with their friend Oliver, who's face is hidden behind his yellow marbleworks "gun" 

They are looking pretty serious - they're ready to become the next Avengers and protect the world from trouble! They are cute boys with big imaginations. Here's Abi at classic skating with some friends for someone's b-day party? Maybe not - doesn't matter - she doesn't need a reason to want to hang out with her friends. They went right after school and had fun.
Yesterday was an online learning school day for Wes, Sophi, Natalie and Owen. They didn't do much learning yesterday, but I was a little productive. I went though my clothes today, putting away my  3 levels of skinny clothes. I'm not going to be wearing any of them for a few months, cause we're expecting. We're going to tell the kids on Christmas. I'm positive they are not reading the blog, so it's ok for me to write that here.  

Peter enjoyed playing with the big bins I brought up. We had a lot of these from Costco, and Corey recently bought even more. I've given up on the basement but Corey's been doing work down there and is trying to organize stuff. More power to him. So that was good of me to do something upstairs with organizing. I'll try to do more to help in the basement, but I've tried for years and have kinda surrendered. Ok, so I did some household stuff yesterday, I didn't help the kids much with their online stuff, but we got to it today. Owen dutifully worked on his papers on the floor in my room ~

Daniel did some school work too - here he is reading a book for Corey that he has been practicing: Biscuit meets the class pet!

Pretty good Daniel! If he keeps this up, I'm considering having him test to see if he is ready for 1st grade instead of starting kindergarten in the fall. With his September birthday I think he would have been ready for kindergarten this past year, but we don't have a choice until he's old enough to be eligible to register for school. So, I'm thinking about it and we'll talk about it in February when it's time to register him. 

Last thing - Corey took Wes with him on an errand today to go pick up donuts for activity tomorrow at the church. The activity tomorrow is: watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional at 6, then after that is over, people will be invited to the gym for donuts and apple cider. Wes was impressed with the Darla's donuts. These are Not Smith's donuts! Wes got to sample one, and I think he could have a future as a food critic - He'd describe these with three words: Cloud, cream, and crunch. So now our kids are excited to taste them and see what Wes was talking about. For now, though, the donuts are hidden over at Corey's parents house and we'll pick them up tomorrow when we go over for Wayne's birthday. Corey also took a visit down to temple square today with Father David. 

We haven't had him over for a while, since they were all battling covid at their house. We're glad that they have recovered. They weren't vaccinated and are worried a little with conspiracies there, but Father David is also really allergic to all sorts of stuff, so he also didn't for health reasons. We're glad no one died.

After the devotional tomorrow, while people are eating, they will be able to enjoy some Christmas music. Kids in the ward, like Sophi and Natalie, are going to share musical numbers while people mingle. I talked Abi into doing "Bring a Torch" with me :) It's the one Christmas song I know really well, both duet parts, so Abi spent like 30 minutes and learned it so yeah, we're good to go. She'll play the melodie as a solo the first time through, then I'll join her and I'll do violin harmony, then we both play melodie and I do a little harmony on the last verse. Should be fun!

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