Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday Again

Another morning, another photo of cute Peter asleep on the floor of our still clean bedroom. 

He's a cutie. It's been over a week and the house is still clean! Even with all the kids home today! Wow, it's kinda strange. Yeah, none of the kids had school today. It seems like that happens a lot. I don't mind. Here's a pic of a "book report" that Sophi did for school - making a cereal box about her book. Lily helped her with the illustrations - 

I'm always so impressed with the little characters that Lily makes! She is such a good little artist! 

I am trying to start a collection of some of her sketches and people. I think it will be fun to see how her skill improves as she grows older. Corey and I went out to eat at Bandits tonight. Good food, usually not a long wait, we like Bandits Grill. We talked about Wes and school and how to help him. Back at home, Corey, Natalie, and Sophi reading in our bedroom tonight before bed. 

Daniel showing us his teddy bear. He's also recently taken a liking to Hyrum's dog Maxwell from Brazil in 2007. 

Corey and I have been working on a minute by minute spreadsheet of a 2015 film Father David sent to us to teach us about our faith: "The Mormons: Who They Are, What They Believe".  I worked on it today, but Corey doesn't think we need to any more, cause Father D has already moved on to other accusations. I still decided to finish session 2 and started a little bit of session 3. I let Corey fill in most of the "true or false" column and the comments, I mostly was just putting the quotes in and minute markers. It's been interesting, but no point if we're not going to discuss it. I don't think Father D is searching for anything, but Corey still is willing to discuss. We both agree we'd rather he teach us about his Catholic faith rather than tell us about ours. Tearing down the sacred beliefs others have of Jesus Christ is not a way to win converts.

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