Saturday, January 29, 2022

Day at Snowbird

Last night, we decided that we'd go skiing today. Corey went and loaded up all the skis, boots, helmets, goggles, mittens, neck thingys and hats. We had the thermals, coats, snowpants, and warm socks ready in the side room. We tried to get them to go to bed so they wouldn't be tired when we woke them up early. It was a challenge cause it was Friday night/date night. But soon it was 7am - time to wake up the kiddos. We did the older kids first, and they were slow going. Around 8 I went to wake up Peter. 

Tragic to wake a sleeping child. My pretty sleepy baby.

Peter! Time to get up and get dressed to go outside in the cold! They ate cereal and did better than they have on other ski day mornings. We didn't get a reservation for parking, so hoped to get out the door in time to snag one of the free "first come first serve" parking spots. We left at 8:45, which was cutting it close. Entry 1 and entry 2 both said "lot full", so it was a nail biter, but we got lucky at entry 3, even though it meant we were parked very far from Baby Thunder. Down Chickadee to wait for Corey as he got the tickets. I took Peter down Chickadee one time, and the rest of the day he was with Corey. 

Peter has the sweetest eyes looking through the goggles. So so cute. Wesley went up the lift and hit some black diamonds. The rest of us made out way to Baby Thunder.

Toddler skiers are the cutest!!

Through the Thunder tube... Corey and Peter

I was on Daniel duty.

The first time off the lift, Daniel fell and he felt so sad. It was also pretty icy on the hill and Daniel fell a few times and was feeling discouraged. He said "This is why I don't like skiing!" and he was ready to give up. I admit, it was pretty steep getting off the lift, I think mostly cause there isn't a ton of snow right now., so we practically had to jump. Also the Baby Thunder chair is pretty fast for some reason. I told him I'd help him, but as I went to scoot myself up, I forgot to keep my tips up and my ski got stuck, and so I fell and I was holding D and down we both went. Thankfully we had a fun run down and went to get on again. It was a great trial of his faith to go on this fast lift AGAIN. I told him I was ready... I know we'll get it right! I prayed for the Lord to help us, and Daniel didn't say amen, he might not have believed, but we didn't crash that time, God heard our prayer. Then every time after that, Daniel reminded me as we got near the top of the lift "You need to pray to Jesus!" We had a good time and left for lunch at 12:15. Corey and Wes went back to the car for the food. It took them almost an hour. We waited and waited and the kids tried not to murmur. I let them know "This is why we need to go faster in the morning next time, so we can park closer!" Soon we saw our rescuers arriving through the parking lot shuttle windows. I joked that we were saved just like the pioneers at Martin's cove. "Only they really were freezing and starving. This is not hard for us." Pb&J, hot chocolate, and Pringles all around. "We're saved!" I was taking a photo of all of the kids lined up, and a nice lady saw me and said "I can take that for you! Mom hardly ever gets in the picture!" That is true! But thanks to her I made it in this one!
I went back to Baby Thunder with kids, Abi and Wes helped a little. Wes took Sophi and Lily down some black diamonds. Abi kept eyes on Natalie. I usually had one kid in front of me and one behind, trying to keep an eye on both. Corey was tired of carrying Peter around, so he took him over to Chickadee on the magic carpet. Peter could do it all by himself. He is adorable. Looking back at Corey to say cheese.
We decided to wrap things up at 3:30 and start to head out. Wes and Sophi made their way over and down harder lifts and found Corey and Peter. I gathered the kids at Baby Thunder, and we waited at a bus stop at Creekside Sports for Corey to come pick us up. We got there at 3:35, and it took forever again, and Corey, Wes, and Sophi were there to get us at 4:30. Natalie and Owen win the best kid while waiting award. They just made a snow mountain.
Abi and Lily were being super silly and throwing snow and having a snow ball and snow dust fight. It was getting to be a bit much, but I was able to work on my patience and long suffering and I endured it pretty well.
Traffic down the canyon wasn't too bad. We got home, had dinner (taco bowls) and Corey and I tagged teamed taking a hot bath to recoup. Now Corey put on the Three Amigos and it was funny to show them that 80s classic. K, now I'm ready to go get them ready for bed. It was a good ski day (huh Natalie!) 
Although that's been 5 times skiing with everyone, which is a LOT of work. (Actually let me count... Alta twice, Brighton once, and Park City twice..., then counting today that makes SIX times!) Yeah, we have definitely earned the right to go without kids next time. Hopefully it will snow!

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