Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Just Two Toddlers

Well, I had a nice quiet morning with these two. I was able to keep the morning light to a minimum with the black out curtains so they slept in a little bit. I woke up to all my usual school morning alarms and called home to get kids going, but despite that I am feeling rested too. After breakfast, I took Daniel and Peter down to the pool.

Hot tubs are warm, everything else is freezing!

We didn't stay swimming that long. I let them watch tv while I cleaned up the room.

Look at them snuggling and being all sweet and affectionate, aww.

We headed back to the valley at 1:15 and helped with afternoon stuff and to get kids to practice and stuff and then we headed back up again around 7. Tomorrow we are all going to go skiing, yay, that will be fun. Corey is staying home tonight with Wes, who works until 9:30. They were going to come up tonight, but Wes wants to go to an early morning hockey thing and Corey figured that's ok cause he has a few work calls. So they will be up here in the morning, and that will be fun to have a ski day tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

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