Monday, January 10, 2022

Quick Swim

We're doing a little bit of running back and forth from Park City this week. We came home yesterday morning at 8:20 to get ready for church and to say happy birthday to Joseph. We didn't go back up to PC last night cause we had the usual carpool and school routine this morning, but Corey and Wesley headed up there after lunch cause it makes a nice quiet place to work. At home I tried to do a little bit of lesson preparation, but I had a little monkey on my back. 

Well, mostly on the back of my chair but he was climbing on me a little bit. 
He's a cute character. I took these pics to share with our missionaries of what scripture study looks like at home. 
Corey let me know the lines out the window were very short. Sigh - wish we were out there!
At 3:00 I called the pediatrics office and they told us that Daniel's covid test results were negative, so that is good and a surprise too. My sister Jersh here in Sandy has tested positive after her husband and some of her kids. My bro Neil in Layton has a son who tested positive too, neighbors are positive, it's kinda crazy lots of people have it. It's super hard to get test appointments, some people are waiting 4 hours. People are isolating and lots of the kids classmates are absent at school. Seems like a good time to just take a break and isolate up here (and go skiing!). After the kids got home from school, we did a virtual lesson for violin cause their teacher has covid. And lucky me, I had a swim night at Park City as my bribe with Lily and Abi to get them to practice right away, and they did so willingly. I had them do a few other things and we were on our way to Park City at 6:50. At school Abi got a robot baby that she has to take care of for 24 hours. The proud mother~
It made it hard for her to go swimming, cause no one could babysit her doll and help her out. She had to wear this bracelet for verification so the baby wouldn't turn off it's crying unless SHE was there helping it. It was kinda funny. Funny at first, but then she was annoyed. It's probably going to wake her up tonight for her to "feed" it. I let her know that real babies are so much better, and she knows that by experience too. We didn't keep the baby in it's carseat the whole time during the drive up, cause it started crying and needed her to change it's diaper. She changed it in the front passenger seat! That's not safe for taking care of babies! So there are a few glitches to the monitoring/programming in the doll that would allow that at 70 mph. Soon we were up and swimming at Park City - the kids had fun in the cold pool.
It's too cold for me but they loved it and practically had the pool to themselves. 
The smart people were in the hot tubs. 
So after swimming was done, we read scriptures then helped kids get ready to head home. Corey took them home and I am staying up here with Daniel and Peter! I've still got my alarms set and I'll be calling them to wake them up. Wes is going to take Lily to jazz band and Corey will take carpool for me and get the rest of the kids off to school. Abi fixing her baby's diaper before they drive home. 

Her siblings were interested in the baby and seemed to think it was a fun game. We'll probably go back to SL tomorrow around 3 to help out as kids get back home from school. I'm going to get these two little boys to bed now, ciao.

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