Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Laying Low

I am still sick. I've been keeping track of how long I'm kept up at night by my cough, and Monday morning I was up from 12-2 and 4-6, Monday from 3-6, and last night it was only 12-2. I'm kinda wiped out. I don't have coughing fits during the day but sure feel terrible at night. I've been keeping a glass of ice water close by and lots of tissues. So I've kinda been laying low. The kids mostly seem ok. Sophi stayed home Monday with a cough, and today Lily Sophi and Natalie all stayed home sick. They have slight coughs but seem totally fine during the day. If we weren't in a pandemic I'd probably tell them they should go to school, but we're trying to be cautious so they are staying home if there's any coughing at night or in the morning. What else... we got some Christmas letters from Hyrum yesterday. Peter really liked his letter - 

Hyrum knows what Peter likes - cars and dinosaurs. Don't you, Peter?

Corey and Lily practicing last night - 

Superheros eating dinner and playing with cars. 

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