Monday, January 3, 2022


Well, the kids mostly seem to be better, but I have been feeling lousy. I prayed for strength with a little more intent last night, and then during the day today I was a bit surprised at all the things I was doing. Like I cleaned up the cluttery kitchen desk and black board. I cleaned up and swept the laundry room! Sure there's a ton of clutter in boxes on the desk, but still "go me". I also cooked a meal, like not just a frozen Costco meal, but I peeled and diced potatoes! I made some curried cauliflower and potatoes for dinner. AND I chopped up an onion! I don't think I've chopped a whole onion for months. So I'm celebrating the small victories today. "I chopped an onion!" oh yeah 💪. So we still had a frozen meal (chicken meat pie from Costco) Wesley serving himself up...

And my made from scratch curry potatoes. 
Cousins Alix and Rhyan came over and joined us for dinner. Abi and Alix were doing some homework assignment and Rhyan came long for fun. Rhyan did Daniel's hair in the pic above. Tonight after scriptures, Corey put on the Bruno song and the kids belted it out - they love it, and I admit it is pretty catchy - 
Sorry that Peter is crying through half of that video. Another picture from tonight - Sophi and Lily reading in their beds. 
They are little readers, and even though I'd prefer they go to bed when it's time for bed, it's cute to see them reading. 

In one last bit of news, I can kinda play the hard part on Minuet G on violin. When I started it mid December I was like "wow this is hard" but I remember feeling that way about Etude and practicing that 100x and I finally got it, so I knew I was going to be able to get Minuet G, and I kinda got it today! I'm glad that violin is something I can do when I'm feeling ill and weak. I might reward myself with a new violin after I pass off book 2. 

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