Monday, January 24, 2022

Passports and Mission Email

This morning we got the little boys up early to leave with us for a passport appointment at 9:00. 

It's always a shame to have to wake up sleeping children.

I scheduled for Sophi and Natalie to get their passports renewed because Corey's thinking of taking all the girls on a trip to central America, Guatemala specifically cause we got some connections there. So, he's keeping his eyes on cheap airfare and as soon as something comes up he'll probably book it. I took care of what I could on my end my scheduling passport appointments. I filled out their applications online, but then our printer wasn't working this morning, so we saved them to a thumb drive and Corey went by UPS to print them up, and I went down to the appointment with my 4 kids in tow. Masks are required, and Peter said "I want one!" and this was his first time ever wearing a face mask! 

Waiting a few minutes for Corey to arrive. 
I went in and did most of the paper work turning in, then Sophi and Natalie came back to get their pictures taken, then they went back out with Corey for a minute. He entertained them with youtube. 
Then I watched them while Corey went in to sign his name, and then we were done. Back to school for Sophi and Natalie, then it was a normal day at home. The house is still clean today! We had orange chicken and rice and sweet potatoe fries for dinner. Here's a video moment of our meal time conversation ~

Ethan sent a great email today. He was feeling down last week and didn't write anything, and we heard a little bit why today, but we were very grateful that this week was wonderful for him. It seems like that is how missions are, and life too. When you're in a down mood and a low spot, just hold on, cause there will most likely be a good week or good mood coming soon to balance it out. As CS Lewis says, it's the law of undulation and it's part of every department of human life. Just hang in there, things will work out, and all will seem right, but usually then it only means you're ready for another testing experience again! I also love this quote by President Gordon B. Hickley that we have up on the wall here at home: "I have learned that when good men and good women face challenges with optimism, things will always work out! Truly, things always work out! Despite how difficult circumstances may look at the moment, those who have faith and move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out.”

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