Sunday, January 23, 2022

Slow Sunday

Hello. I'm 21 weeks along today in my pregnancy. Over half way, yay. It was a good day. With church, we had sacrament meeting but the 2nd hour was at home. Not for the primary kids though, just for adult Sunday school. We were glad they were quiet enough for us to listen. We generally try to discourage the kids from getting their little bodies in our bed, but it was a lazy time after church and we found them all in our bed.

I'm not sure what they were watching. I'll hope it was family videos. We are hoping that the covid spike slows down but I do miss the days of quarantine with everyone home. Now they are off in all the corners of the world. We are excited for Mel to come home soon, just a little over 6 more weeks! Joseph sent us a photo of him fulfilling his 22 years of life duty of having breakfast at midnight. 
That's all for today. 

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