Friday, January 7, 2022

Sweet Ski Deal

Corey has a hobby of being a travel deal finder. It has come in very handy, since we have such a large group when it comes to vacationing. Corey is regularly checking Interval just to see what comes up, in case there's a killer deal. Thursday morning a steal showed up - a whole week at Park City for $200 bucks. Corey clicked it and was buying it, but then on the final confirmation screen it was gone. Then it came up again, repeat, and it was gone again. He was a little sad, cause we have 2 days of ski tickets to Park City that he really was hoping to use over Thanksgiving, but alas, there was no snow. It's his dream to just be able to walk out of the room ready to ski and then mozy on over to the lift. He got one more chance, cause this morning the week came up again. Check in would be today- he clicked it and actually got it! So fun, we've got a spur of the moment trip for Park City!

SNO had an online school day, and Abi and Lily were home from school at 1. Wes has work today and tomorrow, so he's going to pass on the weekend skiing. Lily went up to a friends cabin, so I am waiting for Lily to get back, which will be in another hour around 9 pm, and then she and I and Peter will head up to PC. Looks like she's having fun - 

Peter was ready to go when they all left at 6, but when I didn't go to the car, he said he wanted to stay with me. That will make it a bit easier for Corey up there. He told me when he checked in, that they said "We noted here your request for vaulted ceilings... so we've got that all ready for you!" (He didn't request vaulted ceilings, but we'll take it). AND he got a good parking spot. It was a pretty warm day, but there should be some snow tonight to give it a fresh coat for tomorrow. We're going to have a fun day skiing tomorrow. (Well, maybe not Daniel and I... we'll see if we go, it depends on how our coughs are doing.) I took Daniel to the dr today cause it seemed like he had a swollen lymph node. They did a covid test for him just in case, and I took a covid test too, since I still have a cough and sore throat. I was fortunate to sign up for and be able to take a test same day, and it was super quick (the little testing booth on 1300 E is where you want to go if you don't want to wait in a long line like the 40+ car one at the old Shopko that I passed on my way!) I think my results will be back tomorrow night. Covid is pretty bad right now, and I just saw the news of a mask mandate for the next 30 days for the kids at school and here in the county. Seems pretty bad out there. I don't think I have covid, but this cough has been horrible and keeps me up several hours every night, so I'm being careful to do my best to not pass it along. 

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