Saturday, January 8, 2022

Park City Ski Day

Today was a dream day at Park City for Corey. He's always wanted to have a room during a ski week. We've had a room before but the snow hasn't always showed up, like this past Thanksgiving, and sometimes there's been snow, but they've only had one day to ski and take advantage of the great location. This is great this week cause we have a whole week! and three days of skiing! The kids are ready to go - 

Wes stayed home to work, and Owen, Daniel and Peter stayed in the room with me for the first little bit. Owen and Daniel were still a bit traumatized by how cold it was skiing at Brighton and they didn't want to go on the mountain out of fear of a repeat. They were hiding in the curtains. So I stayed inside with them (I'm still feeling a little sick) and Corey took the girls skiing. 
A video of a run down HomeRun - 
Corey said it was super crowded though and that we'll probably have to take a day off from school to really enjoy it. Abi suggested they skip two days. Crowds are to be expected on a Saturday. I made some pb&j and turkey sandwiches for lunch and after a couple of hours they came in for a break - this part of it is great! And easy! and warm! It's great having a room here! 
Owen and Peter went out for the second half of the day - It was a bit of a process getting the little boys dressed and ready, but it's nice doing it here instead of from a car. 
Peter you're so CUTE!
Walking to the elevator. Our skis and poles were conveniently checked in at a ski valet by the Mine, where the train table used to be. So sad for toddler Owen that the train is gone now. Lots of things changed with covid. We'll see what comes back. Cute Peter.
Everyone ready to go have fun! And Daniel and I are staying behind cause we still have coughs. 
I would have gone, but Daniel refused to go. We're going to make him go next week though. Lucky for us we have a full week. Daniel and I went to the hot tub for a bit. He wanted to go in the pool but I made him stay in the hot tub. That big pool is way too cold for me to handle. 
I used the rest of my free time studying for the Gospel Doctrine class that I'm teaching on the 16th. After the kids put in a full day, we let them veg by the television (watching SpongeBob and Miraculous Ladybug) while Corey and I left for a date, cause we missed last night. 
We went out to eat at Ruth's Chris, cause I had gotten back my Covid text results and they were negative, which surprised me. I was sure I had covid, but ok, I guess I can go out in public without feeling ashamed for coughing. We went to Ruth's Chris cause we had gotten some gift cards from Corey's siblings for Christmas. 
It was good, but the salad was small and it was way too expensive. They were also a little too attentive on refilling the water.  We were also seated close to a noisy group in the neighboring booth, so that was a little annoying but not the restaurants fault. Corey's thoughts: The butter was creamy. Total was $137, not counting tip. As Corey wrote the tip, he imagined them asking "Is there anything else you'd like to overpay for?" Haha. I don't think we'll ever go there without a gift card excuse. I was glad that I didn't have a coughing fit while we were there, although it hit me once we were back in the car. And I'm glad that I don't have covid. Daniel's test results should be in Monday. If he is positive and we have to isolate, I'm glad we have a fun place to quarantine and a good excuse to sluff school and go skiing. 

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