Thursday, February 10, 2022

3 Weeks

Our first sister missionary Melodie is coming home from her mission in just 3 weeks! This morning, Corey got an email from our Stake President with her return flight itinerary. It is exciting and crazy that she is coming home so soon! 18 months sure seems a lot quicker than 2 years. Although I guess everything seems quick once you're near the end of it. (I'm right in the middle of this pregnancy and from this perspective of 23 weeks, it feels like it is going to last forever...😭) She will leave Brazil on March 1st and arrive here at 10:30 am on March 2nd. So exciting! Sad for her that this unique experience and chapter of her life is coming to an end, but I guess that's how everything is in life. Soon it all becomes like it was just a dream - Jacob 7:26

Corey bought Owen a pocket trumpet today. Owen had a trial lesson yesterday and we're probably doing to sign him up for every other week lessons. Owen is excited. Wesley went to the lesson with him and we might have Wes do lessons too. He's been on Soundhouse tours and in school bands, but has never had official lessons. He's not thrilled but we're thinking about it, we'll see. Wes playing tickle torture with Peter yesterday. 

It's also been 3 weeks since the house was clean and decluttered, and it is still looking pretty good. 

It's kinda exciting that we've been able to keep this up as a new lifestyle of being tidy and going to bed early. I think it is helping all of us feel more calm and less stress. Wes and Abi and Lily in our room last night (9:30) talking with Corey.
We were able to chit chat for a while, but were still in bed at 10 (Corey and I anyway, kids were still up and doing whatever). Go team.

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