Friday, February 11, 2022

Books and Ballroom

Peter is a good little reader. His favorite books are dinosaur books. I'm sure that was hard to guess. We have some old 1989 Time Life children encyclopedia books... let's see, they are "Childs First Library Learning" and the one about dinosaurs is his favorite. 

He'll point to the title and pretend to read it to me "Scary... Dinosaurs..."
Peter also likes the "Insect World" book. Peter is teaching Wes about spiders - 
So that's cute, we love Peter. Abi had an activity today with her ballroom team. She is the co-president of ballroom and they planned an ice skating activity at CHRC - 
And then went to Will's house (he's the president) where they had fun hanging out for a few hours. Teenagers are good at documenting their lives, so thanks Abi for sharing your pics so I had something to post today. Corey and I went to the temple tonight and did sealings. The endowment sessions and initiatories have all been full every time I check, but there are always openings for sealings, so it was good. And then we went to Blue Lemon on the way home. We like Blue Lemon. It's always quick to sit down, and the food is delicious and reasonably priced. My favorite is the Mediterranean salad with some shrimp added and Corey's most often ordered dish is the fish tacos. The sweet potato fries are also delicious. Not much else to report, other than life is still good! 

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