Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Bikes, Dolls, and BYU

The little boys were being their cute little kid selves today and riding their bikes around the kitchen and side room. 

With ring pops in their mouths too, which upped it a level of silly cute kid-ness. It probably doesn't get much better than this for a toddler.

They are fun little boys. I don't mind them riding in the house cause it's wood and tile. I just have to put the side room ottoman up on the couch a bit and then fold the rug up and out of the way. I also sometimes have to put a chair by the fridge if Peter tries to ride his "dinosaur bike ride" onto the carpet in the front room. I tell them they can't do that lap but they don't always listen. 

Sophi was playing "salon" with her dolls tonight. She gave them facemasks with lotion and wrapped their hair-dos up with towels (aka tp and tiny hair elastics). She and Natalie had fun playing. 

I cleaned it up yesterday when they had it all set out, and tonight I had her clean it up, cause we're still on a clean house streak. 

We have been working to help Mel and Ethan get housing set up at BYU in the fall. They might rent at Campus Plaza where Joseph is, and that would be fun if the three of them were close to each other there. We'll see. Tonight Corey took Lily down for a "Jazz Up Your Evening with Music From Wynton Marsalis With Jazz at Lincoln Center" show. 
Corey likes to take advantage of any opportunity he has to turn their blood a little more BYU blue. And BYU is such a great school and has so many programs and performances and camps and amazing things to offer, so it's easy to love it.
After the show, they met up with Joseph!
...and went out for dessert.
We'll have 3 BYU Cougars in the fall, plus Corey and I are alumni. We're happy to be a "blessed by BYU" family.

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