Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine Slacker

Sophi let me know a few times over the weekend that she needed help with her valentine box and needed me to give her time on the computer so she could look up ideas. I kept pushing it back - "Practice violin first. And you need to fold your clothes. And finish your other homework before you worry about that..." and of course I was just busy with requests from other kids and the daily demands of life. So, last night she came again asking if I could get her the hot glue gun. "Ok, yes, I can help you now" - I got the glue gun and some glue sticks so she could work on it. Her room was messy so she set up shop in my clean room. She said it was cause she likes having more space and her room is too small. Ok. She still didn't seem to know what she was doing. She had four cardboard boxes and asked Corey for his phone to look up ideas. She went to work, and 4 hot glue sticks later she didn't anything to show for it. I asked Lily to help her, but that didn't work. The rest of the kids were watching Pride and Prejudice and weren't interested in helping her. She gave up and went to bed and I cleaned up the mess. Hence, she woke up this morning without a box. We also did not have our valentine's ready, which I was aware of. My plan was to take Lily to jazz band and then have Corey take carpool while I ran to the store for treats. The seasonal isles at Macy's and Walmart were pretty bear of the valentine merchandise, and Easter treats were taking their place. Luckily I did fine six 12-packs of Kit Kats. That'll do - I hurried home and woke up the kids. I grabbed some old scrapbook cardstocks, scissors, markers, and the hot glue gun, and we cranked out valentines for Sophi, Natalie and Owen in 45 minutes. Peter had one kit kat and wanted more, but I told him he had to wait for until we counted and made sure we had enough for their classmates. He only understood that I was telling him "no" and he didn't like that very much. Sad boy - 

We just cut up rectangles and squares from the papers with pink in the design. Natalie and Sophi did theirs on their own. I helped Owen and wrote "from" and passed it over to him to sign. We didn't worry about personalizing it with their classmates names. Soon he had 19 cardstock cards with his name and candy on it - we hot glued the kit kats on and bang, done. I helped Sophi glue hers. Natalie taped hers, fine. It was time to go to the bus but Sophi still didn't have a box. We looked in the basement to see if Wesley's old elephant box was still around - I thought it might be, we kept it for a while, but I guess not 7 years. It must have gone to the landfill. Too bad, that would have been good to keep for future elementary valentine days. Maybe we'll still find it, if I ever get to cleaning up the basement. 

Corey was in the Valentine spirit. He went to Costco Thursday night to get stuff for our dinner with Father David on Saturday, and while he was there, he picked up flowers and pink chocolate covered pretzels for all the girls and gifted it to them on Friday morning before he left for work. 
Good job making the girls feel loved. Waking up Abi - 
Happy Valentine's Day in 3 days.
Gifting Sophi and Lily - 
Sorry, boys, that I didn't get anything for all of you. Yesterday Abi did find some Madelines that I had forgotten that I had bought - yay! I have a valentine treat for you guys, go me! I let Wes have a few extra of those. Owen, Daniel, and Peter didn't mind my neglect. O took an extra madeline to school today for his snack and I let D and P both have extra kit kats, so I think we're all good and have survived another Valentine's day. And sorry to Corey that I didn't do a facebook shout out like so many other couples. But I'll post something on our anniversary. I picked up Sophi and Natalie after school for violin lesson and some of the boxes I saw coming out of the school were pretty pintrest impressive. I'm not that mom, but sometimes Corey is able to deliver on being that kind of dad, so good job sweetheart. Happy Valentine's Day. It's not my thing. I am excited for our fancy February Family dinner. That fills my bucket, so that will be fun. We're planning that for next Sunday or maybe Monday so Joseph can join us. Happy Valentine's Day

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