Sunday, February 6, 2022

Teen Bonding

I asked Wes to help me this morning by doing Peter's hair. Should be simple enough - you just have to comb it over. But Wes gave him a extreme teen look and Peter came back to me with a hair glue mohawk. No - he cannot go to church like that. So Wes went to do it again. 

Cute brotherly bonding... I hurried and did Owen and Daniel while Peter still sculpted Peter.

I thought we'd take a picture so we could all vote on it. Peter definitely looked more hip, but they are kids - no one cares. Plus O&D were already wrestling and will mess it up in a few minutes... they started running around and Peter hit a door cause Daniel closed it on him, and then my photo op was ruined cause P was in tears. Wes told D to go hug Peter and say he was sorry, and P refused him, and then Daniel was crying too!
Peter calmed down enough but didn't want to be close to them. Daniel was able to turn off his tears - so there's our vote on the hair pic - O and D looking like Father Knows Best boys from the 50s.
Peter's got some volume and style and he's still trying to milk his injury for more sympathy. 
We watched some of The Chosen after church, we love it. I loved these three miracles that Dallas shared, and I totally know the "Red Sea moments" feeling. Good stuff.

I made some coconut lime soup and quinoa for dinner. Abi was inspired by an instagram post and recruited her brothers to play "suck the air out of the garbage bag with a vacuum" game. 
It worked really well on Peter cause he's so little. It was harder for Owen, but he still liked it. 
Thanks for the fun Abi!

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