Saturday, February 5, 2022


Joseph is applying to be a counselor for a Humanitarian EFY, and as part of it he needs to submit a video. He talked with Corey about ideas of what to do, and they thought it would be a good idea to show what a good worker he is by sharing a video of him helping get his siblings ready for a day of skiing. Peter was sad and crying and throwing a fit right when we were trying to go on the bunny hill and I was ready to wave the white flag and give up and told Corey I would go to the lodge with him. But Corey swooped in and saved my defeated soul and he stayed with Peter most of the time on the magic carpet. The highlight of their day was when they saw a big porcupine coming - Corey picked up Peter and it crossed over Corey's skiis and sat there for a moment before continuing past them. Pretty exciting! Peter told us all about it on the ride home. 

Joseph had helped get lunches ready and so we had plenty of sandwiches and chips, plus Corey bought some fries too.
Peter was sad cause someone took a bite of his cookie. A toddlers' life can be hard sometimes!
I haven't been skiing to Brighton much, so when Joseph told us to meet him at Crest, I didn't know at first where that was. We eventually found him. It was pretty busy, which is to be expected for a Saturday. We did Crescent and Majestic most of the day and took some videos for Joseph to use for his video. It was fun. I was with Daniel most of the day and he's a good little skier. After a fun day of skiing, I dropped Joseph off at Frontrunner. Good luck back at school and good luck on your video, Joseph! It was great to spend the day together.

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