Sunday, March 6, 2022

After Church Fridge Leak

We had snow last night. The third winter is upon us. I'm happy to be alive after driving out in it last night - details here. After church, Natalie and Owen went downstairs to get on their snow pants and go play outside. They came up to let us know that there was water leaking in the basement. Oh great. What might it be... from a toilet? ice on the roof? Perhaps a leaky kitchen faucet or maybe the water heater? I went downstairs to see what was going on. It looked a little bit like it was coming down in the same spot that it had leaked through when water was backed up cause of ice on the roof. I thought it could be because we had snow overnight and I didn't turn on the melting cables on the roof... I turn them on. I look up though, and there is no water trickling down from that spot on the main floor. We walk around a bit more checking the main floor. No water, everything looks ok. Back to the basement. It's definitely coming from beneath the fridge area. Back up stairs we pull out the fridge. I hear something that sounds like air escaping from a tire. We see a little bit of water on the floor and I notice a mist coming from somewhere. What is that sound? We finally sees it - the water tube runs along the back of the fridge, for ice maker and refrigerated water, has a tiny pin sized hole in it and it is shooting a small stream of water at the wall. We put Wes on "put your finger on the hole" duty while we try to find out where to turn off the water to the fridge. I was glad that Corey was home to help play detective with me. I was grateful that it wasn't an all 3 floor levels mess. He went and turned off the cold water to the kitchen but it didn't slow it from the fridge. Ok, fine, we'll turn them ALL off. That didn't slow the flow either. We let Wes stop holding the hole and just threw some towels behind the fridge to catch the water. We used the water on the fridge to test the water pressure to see if it was slowing at all. We kept filling up cup after cup and pouring it into a bowl, Abi emptied the bowl over and over again. The fridge was still pulled out so it was a little hard to reach the water (the fridge in this house is in such a dumb spot). So we put Abi and Wes on "test the pressure" duty via filling up a water cup over and over and Corey and I go downstairs. We try to follow the water tubes again that are visible in the unfinished basement ceiling. Let's see if there's some connection to the water heater. And there we see it - a little tube with it's own access, not connected to the other water in the house, just a little tube going straight to the fridge. Corey turns it, and the water in the fridge stops. Abi was filling a cup and cheered "I fixed it!" Amazing, good job Abi. Ugh! There was still a mess behind the fridge, but I had to go get the van from West Jordan so I said "I'm leaving" and left the mess with Corey and the kids. Wes came with me in Corey's car and  he drove the van home and I drove Corey's car back. Mel and Abi had it all cleaned up and the fridge pushed back into place by the time Wes and I were back home. Thanks girls. When we pulled up, Owen showed me the snowman he made. Wait... it's not ready... "I gotta fix his teeth!"

There we go. Very cute, Owen! 

Time for dinner! It was delicioso.

Mel and Abi had made a huge Brazilian feast for us all to enjoy - feijoada, rice, cuscos, and farofa, with some empada doce for dessert. Then there were a TON of dishes after all their master chef cooking. Mel did round one even though I told her I'd do it - the cook shouldn't have to clean up too, I don't think. I finished washing while Corey and the kids watched the new West Side Story, and then we had a lesson on controlling your passions which tied in nicely with what we're studying for Come Follow Me this week in the Judah and Tamar story, which is a contrast to Joseph of Egypt being seduced by Potiphar's wife. (Corey and I both really like Brother Halverson's lessons). After the movie and moral of the story, it was time for bed. Kids brushed teeth, Peter was insisting that Abi read a cars book to him and it was really cute. He has the cutest little voice. "Abi! Sit down! You want to read the book with me?!" Time for sleep. Peter got in bed with Mel. I see your little eyes, Peter!

And then Daniel got in her bed too. Kids are all ready, Peter will probably come in my room once the light are all off, but it was cute to see them snuggling with Mel. 

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