Monday, March 7, 2022

The Worst I've Ever Seen

It's 1:15 am Monday morning. I just thought I'd blog for a sec to decompress. There was a knock at my bedroom door just past midnight at 12:30, and I didn't rage out-loud, but in my head I was like "WHO in the HECK is knocking on our bedroom door at 12:30 AM?!?!?" and it was a very solid/matter of fact knock. Ugh, I let out a deep breath and get out of bed, my eyes half open, and open the door. Lily is standing in front of me, letting me know that she's really sorry and "I tried to make it to the bathroom before it came out, but...." and I look to where she is motioning behind her...

And all I could say was "crap." Ok, so that is why she knocked. That is a good reason to knock, but this sucks. Holy cow... I just stood there trying to process the mess in front of me. She had said earlier in the evening that her stomach hurt. I didn't think anything about it other than she probably over ate. This is the worst I have EVER seen, and I've seen some bad ones. I've had 20+ years of kids throwing up, and this is the worst I've ever seen. Sophi's Park City puke was really bad and it was huge, but I could laugh, cause it wasn't at our house and it was all on hard surfaces like the walls, tile floor, and wood cupboards. Throw up on carpet automatically takes it up to level 7, and this was rice, beans (sorry for the detail here...) strawberries, and FREAKING CHOCOLATE NUTELLA mixed with stomach acid juice. RED AND DARK BROWN colors - this is a level 10. And I'm cursing Corey in my head for buying that freaking 5 pound tub of Nutella. Lily sweetly said "I'm really sorry, I'll clean it up... what do I do?" I'm still just standing there in shock. "Go get a bowl and a big serving spoon, we gotta get all the chunks up." I sent a Marco Polo to our family Mom group with my mom, sisters and sisters in law ~ "It's 12:30 am and look what I get to deal with!! Yay!" Lily sets to work, and I'm still standing frozen looking at the mess and trying not to step on anything wet or mushy. 

"K, go flush that down the toilet and rinse it down..." and she flushed the chunks but then she fills up the bowl and I hear the sink full of water too and I look and see the bathroom sink is clogged cause she rinsed it down there. "In the TOILET!" I said to her "Throw up always goes in the toilet!! That can't go down the sink drain!!!" "Sorry!!!" and I send her over to get more carpet chunks off while I unplug the sink with my little yellow wiggly sink tool that I use quite often and recommend. Took me a few minutes, smells horrible, I wash out the sink and my hands. I get wipes and go spray the walls and have her wipe those down. I'm still mostly standing and staring and giving instructions. I give her toilet paper to try and get up some of the juice. Then I get a bucket of water and dump it all over the mess. We're 30 minute in and I'm mentally ready to get my hands dirty helping. 
We put towels on and start to scrub. 
I get out my trusty US Advantage, which I use to get out all carpet stains. I'll need to think of something else to sanitize the germs left here. 
I'm still shaking my head, but starting to be able to laugh a little at this situation. "Lily... I am amazed at this mess, especially from a 12 year old..." then said wondering "...and why were you in the boys room?!?!" (Sorry Wes, I might not give you the details tomorrow when you ask as to why this wet carpet is in your doorway...) "I felt sick, so I was walking around..." I say "Let's review... what are the rules for throwing up? If you don't feel good and think you might throw up, get a bowl!! Stay near the bathroom!" "I didn't know I was going to throw up!!" GET A BOWL. YOU must avoid PUKE on CARPET at ALL COSTS." Tile, a garbage can, blankets, your shirt - I think anything is better than carpet. I have a memory of throwing up as a kid on the carpet, and tragically it was right in front of the bathroom door and inches away from it's safe-for-puke linoleum. I remember standing there watching my mother digging her fingernails into the carpet like she was trying to squeegee out the saturated juice from the carpet fibers as she vented "COULDN'T... YOU HAVE... JUST TURNED... YOUR HEAD?!?!?" So I've been here before on both ends of being the mess creator and mess cleaner-upper, and so has every other parent. It's a mess, but I'll take this over having my home bombed and country invaded. People in Ukraine have it rough, I can handle this. It's 1:50 am, I'm going to go pause and go scrub it for a few minutes... 

2:07 am now. I think that's as good as it's going to get until it dries up a bit and I can vacuum and check out the discoloration or find pink splatter spots I missed. I think Lily threw up as she headed toward the bathroom, which is the lit room in the background here -
So I was amazed to find throw up splatters 4 feet up on this wall by the boys closet. Reminded me Sophi's big mess again - pretty impressive coverage. There were splatters from the boys closet door all the way to the bathroom, with the main pile of the mess being right in the doorway. Another sadly ironic thing - as I finished cleaning I noticed there was an empty black bucket just 4 feet away from the scene of the accident, in the bottom left corner below.
A bucket Peter uses to carry all his dinosaurs and cars sometimes. It could have saved us from this experience, oh well. So, there ya go, I'm going to go to bed now. I plan on recovering tomorrow. There will be violin and carpool, but I don't have to take Lily to jazz band, yay, since she'll be staying home sick. I think I'll have Corey or Mel take the jr. high carpool. I'm hoping for just a nice normal Monday without any surprises like last Monday or yesterday, knock on wood. 

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