Monday, March 14, 2022


This weekend, Wes is going to the WAMA dance at Skyline. He spent some time today getting his costume ready. The theme is Superheroes or something. He is going to wear the Tom Holland Spiderman Homecoming costume and his date is going to be Gwen Stacy. He gathered a few things from home (like Sophi's red soccer socks) and after a trip to Target and Walmart he pretty much had everything he needed. Peter saw him and knew what was up! So he went and put on a Spider-Man costume too. 

Soon they were playing Spider-Man and striking web slinger poses for me.

Shooting webs and fighting bad guys...

...and crawling walls! 

Wes just needs to draw the spider on his chest and then he'll be all ready. He's probably not going to wear a mask. Peter wore his costume all day. Tonight I was practicing violin with Sophi and Natalie, and Spider-Man came and joined us. He's been working hard learning violin this month!
He's a good little student.

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