Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Mel Saved Me

I was struggling today. I was feeling tired and lacking any motivation to do anything... I just wanted to lay down. I felt too tired to leave, but the boys were nagging and wanted to go somewhere. I had a goal at the beginning of this month to try and go to Thanksgiving Point as many times as possible before our membership expired on the 16th, but I haven't done much at all, and now the 16th is tomorrow, so I really wanted to try and use it again, but didn't have it in me. Thankfully Mel took my licking and she took Daniel and Peter down there for me. They left around 11:30 and they were gone for over 3 hours! Mel took them to the Dinosaur Museum, which is Peter's favorite place... "Ahhh!"

...and they went to the Butterfly Biosphere, too! 
Daniel making friends with some butterflies.
The butterfly likes you, Daniel!
That big one likes you too!
Mel really went above and beyond and totally saved me. I am grateful for her sacrifice of time and I think I should be able to survive another week of pregnancy. 

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