Thursday, March 10, 2022

Early Mornings

Miracle of miracle - guess who got uninterrupted sleep last night? Me! And guess who slept in their bed? Peter!!! Wow!

That was very nice. I didn't have to totally crash today thanks to him sleeping through the night. Although I did still have some very early alarms - like a 5 am alarm to make sure Wes was awake. He was already up and dressed in Sunday best and doing his hair. He, Abi, and Lily went to the temple early this morning with some of the youth in our ward. Wes had to be at the neighbors house at 5:20 for a 6:00 appointment at the Jordan River temple. I'm really impressed that he gets up on his own. He hears his alarm and 5:00 is a piece of cake for him cause he plays ice hockey and is used to very early mornings like that. So after checking that he was up and ready, I went back to bed, then woke up Abi and Lily at 5:50 so that they could get ready to leave at 6:20 for their 7:00 appointment, which was a usual school morning time for them. They are good kids.

Abi has actually made a few appointments for her and Wes and Lily to go to the temple on their own,  once they went early morning and another time they went on a Friday after school. I think it's super great. Mel and Corey went to the temple last week for an endowment session, and I'm going to try and go with Mel this week. Going every week is a good goal. 

Not much to report. I've been going through old papers in the basements. Lots of little drawings and school papers of the kids - I've been sorting and filing them. I loved this self portrait by a much younger Hyrum -  
I found this sketch I did and sent to Corey in August 1996. I like drawing. 
I hope to make time in my life to draw and do art stuff again someday. It's fun. 

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