Saturday, March 12, 2022

Friday Fun and Saturday Skiing

Joseph came up yesterday and told us that he wanted to go skiing on Saturday. With Mel home, it was a great opportunity to take her skiing and also haul up all the rest of the kids. So Corey packed up the car and set out all the boots and we went skiing today. Sure, there was the usual complaining and dragging of feet from the kids. They were tired and slow but we got out the door. Daniel was the most defiant - he didn't want to go and it took both Corey and I physically holding him and guiding his feet into his thermals, pants, snowpants, etc to get him dressed and ready. I'm not sure the reason for his reluctance is this year, since he was such a die hard toddler skier last year that we could hardly get him to leave the resort. There were no parking reservations available, so we had to get out the door on time to be able to get a parking spot, and we actually did it! We started waking up kids at 7 and we were in the car and on our way at 8:07, and arrived at Snowbird at 8:33. We beat most of the road traffic, although there was some traffic in the canyon. It was still good timing and we got up there and got a spot. I didn't take a lot of pictures today, cause I figured we've documented skiing enough before. Here's a cute close up of Peter though. Love those little cheeks and lips ~

To quote Natalie "Peter you look so cute! Especially in those sick goggles!" 
We took a group photo after getting off the conveyor belt between the Gad lifts and Baby Thunder. 10 out of 12 kids - not a bad turn out!

Corey and Peter spent most of the day together. Corey kept praising him "Peter is such a good skier!" to which Peter replied "Yeah, I good skier." Peter and Mel at lunchtime.

Joseph and Wes spent the morning together doing black diamonds. Mel stayed with Daniel. 

I was with Natalie. Abi and Owen were ski buddies, Lily and Sophi were together. We all met up for lunch, and had pb&j sandwhiches and hot chocolate and Corey also bought some fries. They were very good fries. Soon we were ready to head back to the hill. You ready for more fun, Peter?

Corey went with Peter again, Joseph took Daniel, Wes went off on his own, I was with Natalie again, Mel Lily and Owen were a group, Abi was with Sophi. We kinda mixed and matched. Sometime Corey took this pic of Owen, Lily, Peter, Sophi and Abi.

Abi was texting me and telling me they were ready to go at 2, but I said "we gotta make it until 3!" Part of the reason they wanted to quit was cause their ankles hurt, cause they have made these beaded and braided friendship anklets. I can see why that would hurt, crazy kids - don't wear those! Sophi cut hers off at lunch. We were at the cars packing ourselves up at 3, and headed home at 3:26. We let the kids decomplress for a bit, they were rewarded for their hard ski day by Corey with ice cream and an Alias-a-thon. Joseph and Mel and I went to a 5:20 endowment session at the Jordan River temple that I was able to find and book around 4 right after we got home. I've been able to go every week for the past little while - gotta love those last minute cancellations, cause if it weren't for that, all I see in the appointments is "Time Full". After we got home, we all practiced music. Wes is helping Owen with trumpet lessons. Peter saw them and got out his violin and practiced again!

(He is just the cutest.)
He inspired Sophi and Natalie to get going with their practicing. The front room was too noisy, so they headed upstairs to my room.
So that was fun, and then we talked to the kids for scriptures about wealth and service - we shared this story from a stake Conference in 2014 and a few other stories. 

Peter is holding a new stuffed dinosaur that I bought for him on an impulse when Corey and I stopped by Walgreens. It looked like the perfect toy for him, and he loves it! 

A few more things about yesterday - Joseph came up to last night to go to a Vocal Point concert. He didn't have a date, so he asked Mel if she wanted to go with him. He was a little late leaving Provo, so we drove Mel out to the freeway to meet up with him. Joseph bought a car this week! It's BYU blue, nice.

Have fun! Then, since we were in the neighborhood, Corey and I went to India House for date night. It was delicious as always. We vote that it has the best Indian Food in the SL Valley. Sure, we haven't tired all the Indian cuisine restaurants, but when we do, we usually just regret it and think "This isn't as good as India House..." Our usual dishes are the shimp coconut korma and butter chicken and peshwari naan. Lately I've been trying the different Vegetarian dishes - bhindi masala, Daal, Aloo Gobi. Corey did a hawaiian lamb dish tonight. It was too spicy for me, and I also feel bad eating lamb, so I happily savored my yellow lentil dish. 

And in a final report for news from yesterday, Corey says it's time to potty train Peter. I put him in training pants tonight. Then he and Wes had a sword battle.
At one point in their conflict, Peter insisted that Wes give him his sword, and then Wes had to wield blankets, which worked quite effectively! Looks like Wes killed Peter. Superman Daniel runs to avenge his death.
Peter only uses like 2-3 diapers a day, so I'm not anxious to train him. Daniel drank a bottle all the time and always had wet diapers, but Peter is easy. We'll see if this happens before the baby comes. If it does, it will be the first time in 20+ years that we've been diaper free. Even if it's only for a few weeks, that will be something to celebrate.

Now it's late and I hope the daylight savings time tomorrow doesn't hit us too hard - the kids are finishing one more Alias episode. Kinda fun, but yeah we're losing an hour so I've already changed all the clocks, so it's only 10:40, which is pretty good for a Saturday, but this is like going to be 11:40 tomorrow which is going to be too late for us to stay up on a school night. Here's hoping we all do ok adjusting.

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