Monday, March 28, 2022


I lined up all my little boys for haircuts tonight. First Owen, then Daniel, and last Peter. 

We usually don't get any pictures of haircuts, cause I'm the official family photographer and I can't take pictures when I'm the one cutting their hair. Abi came by and asked to take a few pictures of Peter cause he looked so cute. 
The boys all did great. I even used the clippers on all of them and they weren't scared by the noise or vibration of it. 
I've always given all of my boys haircuts - teens and little boys. I've always cut Corey's hair too. And the girls! And a few years ago I started to try and do mine. I've probably saved us a good chunk of money by doing all these haircuts over the years. And I never even went to beauty school. Good job me. 

A few other things about today - I've been super lazy lately. Like I feel like I just want to nap most of the morning. Maybe I'm still anemic and should to take more iron than the one pill a day I've been doing? I'm 30 weeks pregnant now, only 9 more, yay. I'm excited for this weekend when it will be April and I can say that I'm due "Next month!" That is always an exciting pregnancy moment

Corey and Wes went to play racquetball this morning. Corey gave Wes a real good welt on his back. 
I didn't take Daniel and Peter to violin today cause they were taking a nap. 
Which was helpful, cause I was able to listen in on their lessons a little bit so that we know what they're working on over the next few weeks, cause we're going to miss lessons the next two Mondays because we'll be in Florida. But Sophi and Natalie are still on a practice streak and we plan to keep it going in Florida! As of today they have a 64 day streak! Good job girls! AND they even cleaned their room today - clothes put away and everything. 
We switched rooms over a week ago... the big girls' room is still a mess. I'll tell them that they have to get it clean or they can't go to Florida. That should be enough motivation for them to finish the job.

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