Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Magic of Mel

Melodie has saved my sanity more than a few times since she's been home from her mission. Today was another moment, and as I shared with Corey my appreciation for her, he appropriately said "That's the magic of Mel." 

After school today, my ears and brain had taken about all they could of the kids and their mindless, inexhaustible, unstoppable, repetitive, and nagging demands. Daniel had worn me out for the 6 hours of the school day. Thankfully at this point, Lily had helped him to over to a friends house, and I was glad that Daniel was playing sweetly at their house. 

With Daniel happy to be out, I thought I would have some respite. But nope. I was sitting at the table with Owen after school, trying to help him do homework so that he could go play with friends, and Natalie was hovering because her friend was sick and couldn't play, even though that was why Natalie woke up early this morning to practice violin BEFORE school, and she was telling me over and over again "I'm bored... there's nothing to do. Can I play video games on the computer?" "No." "Can I paly the Wii?" "No." "Ugh! I'm so bored!" Peter was also at the table hovering, telling me I'm mean and that he doesn't like me cause I wouldn't take him to the dinosaur museum (our membership has expired and I'm prob not going to renew it with the baby coming soon). He had already been slamming doors at me for like 20 minutes. And I was just wishing I could go exercise for an hour, but I had to take Sophi to soccer practice and Lily to her Spring Concert. Mel was working, but said she could take a break and watch the kids at the park during Sophi's soccer practice. I would go exercise at the gym, and Lily was able to get a ride with a friend to the concert. I was able to exercise. I just listened to music today (My Bike Ride tunes playlist, I'm so excited for it to be warm and to be riding at Corner Canyon this summer!) 

I was able to exercise for an hour without interruptions. After Sophi's practice was done, S used Mel's phone to ask me to come open the car so she could change out of her cleats. I had had enough time to breath, so I went out and watched them play. 
They were in an intense game of get the cinnamon bread, which I had brought for a snack for them all if needed, and it became the prize that the kids had to steal from Mel. They had fun, and I am grateful for Mel. She's also made dinner quite often the past few weeks. Like Last night, we went out to eat wtih Corey's parents for his mom's birthday - 
And I didn't have any plans for dinner but Mel took care of it. She made feijoada - her Brazilian black beans and rice. When we got home, the whole house was clean and kids were happy. 
Daniel was using this spray bottle and cloth the rest of the night "cleaning" everything, and proudly saying "I'm doing a great great great great job!" Tomorrow I'm going to have to get a clean cloth and go get rid of all the cloudy streaks on all the mirrors in the house. But it was cute. She had also sent us some magical pictures of a rainbow shining down on our happy home - 
The girls ran outside to dance in the rain and enjoy the magic of a rainbow - 
Look at all those smiling faces - 
Smiles and happiness brought to you by the magic of Mel. 
(And by God and his covenant rainbow!)

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