Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Home From Brazil

Melodie arrived safely back home from Brazil today! Truth be told - we were not all there and waiting for her when she came out the exit (but we'll pretend we were for a photo op)

We were expecting a 10:30 am arrival time, but then we got an early morning phone call from her. Corey dismissed it, thinking it was his alarm, and then he went to the gym. I answered it when my phone rang 30 seconds after his, knowing that if we were both getting a robo call at 6:15 am, it probably wasn't a robo call. It was Mel, letting us know that she missed her connection in Atlanta. It was probably my fault, cause I had requested an avocado, cause they bring back good memories (last paragraph, an email from 2007 as I struggled through my first international experience. I had been focusing on the trial, but then avocados were the first thing I was able to be grateful for) Too bad for me it didn't make it through customs. Melodie's later arrival time did give me a chance to go mail a package to Hyrum. He needed some more journals, as he was coming up on his last 4 blank pages. I shipped three journals to him, and then I hurried back home to crank out a "welcome home" poster. I had meant to have the kids make posters on Sunday - seemed like a good Sabbath day activity, but we never got around to it. No problem - there were two extra days to still get it done if we were being procrastinators. Still didn't happen. With her later arrival time, we decided to send the kids to school, so Daniel was the only one around to help me this morning. He did a good job writing out the letters I told him - 

I cut up the letters of her name for a MELODIE "sign" and I made a very nice Brazil flag with all the star constellations on it and everything, but those two didn't make it into any of the photos. Corey's parents made the nice black one - appropriately showing how she served in Indiana and Brazil 💕
So we were a little late leaving home and giving ourselves enough time to picking up the kids from school. We parked, ran in, Corey took a left to the baggage claim with most of the kids and I went straight to the Greeting room area, where Mel was standing with my parents, Corey's parents, and Joseph. I got a hug followed by Daniel - 
Joseph said she had only been there like 4 minutes before we came. Corey and the kids were there quickly and there were hugs all around for everyone - Peter! 
Natalie got a hug and noticed Mel's long hair and started braiding it.
Corey got a hug too, but I didn't get a photo of his. Group photo - 
Yay! We're so happy she's home! Melodie and Sister Adams holding babies that they've missed in person - 
Melodie had a little entourage of helpers follow her for her suitcases.
And then we headed out to the cars. 

Melodie noticed the dry air and that she wasn't sweating! It was a nice early spring-ish day. It's been nice weather this week. My parents went back to work, but took Joseph by the Front Runner train on their way home, and the rest of us went to to Chuck A Rama.

It was a late lunch but I also counted it as an early dinner too, since the kids were all very full when we left. We did cut up watermelon for dinner later and that hit the spot. 
jMel started to unpack her luggage a little bit until our Stake President, President England came by to release her from her service at 5:30. Then the moment came and she took off her tag. Corey and she both shed a few tears. It's hard when it comes to an end. I do remember when I came home and was released, that I felt a literal physical weight/stress was lifted off of my shoulders. Much like the stress that Hyrum took on when he was set apart and said he felt like he had a gun to his head, lol. Ethan felt that too (under point #7). It's all good though. I'm sure Mel will have lots to do. Her siblings will keep her busy and I'm more than happy to have her here to help when the baby comes in 3 months. She will probably do a few online classes for school and is going to get back her flute skills. We're so grateful for her testimony of Jesus Christ and for the love she's developed for Him and the people she has served on her mission. We're happy to still have two missionaries out for a few more months until Ethan comes home at the end of June, and again are very grateful to have Melodie home. 💕

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