Thursday, March 3, 2022

"I Practice Violin"

Peter wanted to practice with his sisters today and it melted my heart. He requested I get his violin down by saying "I practice violin!" Then he held it up to his chin and started practicing his best.

This little violin was Sophi's first violin that she got when she was 6 years old, almost 7. We have it out on the wall just for fun, cause it looks cute to have the four different sizes on our 4 violin wall hangers. Daniel used to use it and now Peter likes to bring it down. The little boys are the ones responsible for it's broken scroll and lost peg when P threw it down the stairs after Daniel left it down within reach a year ago (end of this post). Because of that, the A note's string, peg, and fine tuner are gone, but Peter can still practice some basic violin technique. He started off holding it up to his chin with his left hand.

Then I had him reach around to lower bout on the far side of the violin. 

That looks a little more comfortable. He was a very serious and eager student.

Not a proper bow hold but still a good way to learn how to get deep into the string. He joined his sisters on the couch as they did Book 1 review.

Sophi and Natalie - look at Peter! He's taking this more seriously that you both! He's standing! I wish they'd stand, but I've been settling for less.

So that was super cute and the highlight of my day. He even kept practicing after they were finished. Impressive commitment for a 3 year old! 
And stinkin' adorable.
The highlight of Wesley's day was when Peter crawled up into his lap, as he was doing homework, and fell asleep in his arms. 
So cute. But now you're trapped!
A few other things from today - I had Parent Teacher Conferences at the elementary school for SN&O. We visited their teachers in order, so while I was on the last one with Owen, the kids went out and played at the park for a bit. 

It's nice that we get some days of warmer weather. Joseph also bought a car today! It's BYU blue. 

He likes it and I'm sure his siblings will like it too! I was thinking his younger siblings that live here (pics 3 & 4) but then realized Mel and Ethan will be down at BYU with him and will probably ask to borrow it sometimes too. I'm sure Joseph will figure that out.

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