Thursday, March 17, 2022


Happy St. Patricks Day. I went to the gym this morning after I took Lily to jazz band, yay. I am not as anxious about working out as I have been during past pregnancies, but I'm still trying to do movement and some weight bearing exercise atleast once a week. I also did a handstand twice today just for like 10 seconds each time, so I'm going to try and keep that up. I am aware of things that hurt and am trying to avoid those things, like sitting on the floor. Yesterday Peter wanted me to color with him, and I sat for a minute and then tried to move and was almost stuck "Oh yeah, I can't do that..." so I got a laundry basket and moved him onto the bed where I could color with him without hurting my hips. I like Peter.

Almost just two more months, I can do this. I've survived 12 so far, I believe this pregnancy will end too. And that when it does, I'll be glad it happened (cause I get a baby). I did a little bit of upper body last night (lat pulls) while I waited for Sophi at soccer practice (which I'm honestly not excited is starting up again...) and then did a little more this morning. I set an alarm to go buy lucky charms after the gym, and that helped me get out the door. The elementary kids felt "lucky" to have a sugar cereal for breakfast. 
I felt more like the dad in the Kodiak Pancakes commercial: "Don't thank me... that makes it worse." They wore green to school and Mel made some green pasta for dinner and that was about it for our celebration around here. At 2:30, I took Wes went to the doctor for a check up so he could get a medical release for YMAD. He was in his WAMA costume playing with Peter again today, and they all wore their costumes to the dr appointment. 
Daniel is the Black Panther, in case you couldn't tell. Mel made this good meme:
At the dr Wes went and got an x-ray to check his spine for scoliosis. The appointment was longer than I thought, and we were still at the dr when Abi needed to go work for my mom and I also needed to pick up Sophi and Natalie from school for a violin rehearsal. I called home and Mel was able to take Abi. Luckily the x-ray was super quick, and then we went straight to the school and so I was only a little late getting S&N. We went and dropped of W and P at home, got their violins, and headed to the federation rehearsal. 
Federation is next Saturday, the 26th. Sophi is playing Witches Dance and Two Grenadiers.
Natalie is doing Minuet 2 and Happy Farmer. Tonight we had a stake relief society conference that was really good, talking about how to learn what is of most value to us. I'll try to type up my notes and share them later. For now I'm going to bed and maybe I'll get up and exercise again tomorrow.

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