Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Natalie's School House Rock

Today was a big day for Natalie. It was her School House Rock performance and she was so excited! She did a great job! She's been looking forward to this for a long time!

The performance was at 2:15. Mel, Daniel, Peter and I went over at 1:45 and D&P played on the playground with Mel watching and I went in to save us some seats. Some of Natalie's rolls in the play were as a screaming girl fan watching the rock and roll boys play guitar.
She was an explorer (the adjective song?)
And her big roll was center stage as the main singer in Interplanet Janet- about planets going around the sun. I think she WAS the sun! She had a few solos in that song and she sang great and with amazing confidence. 
You did so well Natalie! A photo with the supportive siblings after the performance was over.
Abi and Lily wanted to come, but we decided to not take them out of school to watch it. I'm sure it will bring back memories of their youth - Abi in 2017Lily in 2018, and I'm guessing it was cancelled last year with covid, since I can't find anything for Sophi. Sophi and Owen get to see it tomorrow at the 9:30 school performance. Corey's going to go to that one too. Any of the other kids can watch the recording that the teachers made yesterday during a filming of the play, I'll insert that link when I get it. Natalie and her friend Emma both had main parts in the Planet song
All those 3rd graders did AMAZING WORK! 

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