Thursday, March 24, 2022

Warmer Days

The first day of spring was on Sunday, March 20th, and it came in with a snowstorm. But it has been getting warmer each day this week and I'm ready for it. Thank you for coming back, Spring! I took the kids to the park last night just for like 45 minutes before the sun set. 

There were a few other kids there too and they all had fun running around!
It got pretty chilly once the sun went down, but the kids were all fine. It was just me that was cold. So I started walking laps around the playground.
Corey went to Natalie's school house rock program this morning. She did great, again. I've had lazy days around here, which sometimes has made pregnancy pass slowly, but thankfully this one feels like it's going pretty quickly. Peter and I make him a house today with blocks - 
He thought it was pretty funny.
Another home design model - a split level.
And yesterday we did puzzles. 
Daniel likes to play with friends. I'm glad there are plenty of playmates around. Zach came over and they did puzzles together. Three little heads focused on their work - 
We got out bikes on Monday. I was still freezing that day and sat shivering in the garage with a blanket on me while they rode up and down the driveway.
Peter is doing really well on his balance bike! It's super cute. 
The rooms are still in the process of being cleaned. It's going slowly, since the girls are gone at school all day and then busy with music lessons and practicing. But I did a great job cleaning things up today - I got most everything off the floor and into bins and was able to vacuum all their rooms and the stairs and I did lots of laundry. We are going to Florida soon, over spring break, and today Corey bought tickets to Universal Studios and City Pass tickets to Bush Gardens and Sea World. The kids are excited. Part of me wishes I could stay home and elevate my feet rather than go walk around a theme park, but oh well. It should help time pass quickly I hope? When we get back, and if I round down, I'll basically just have 6 weeks of pregnancy left. Yay.

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