Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Early Morning Flight

Well, we are back home in Utah. We all took a nap from our early morning flight and then we tried unpacking a little bit. We landed at 10:35 am but we didn't make the kids go to school, since they basically got up at 2:30 am Utah time. Yes, we set our alarms for 4:30 cause we had a 7:00 flight and had to return our rental cars too. We packed up everything and loaded it onto a luggage cart the night before. All that was out was socks and shoes, and a messy kitchen. We left quite a bit of food behind this time, but did pack some in our luggage (like sweet potatoes, maple syrup, Kodiak pancakes and jelly). Mel loaded the dishwasher which was a nice gesture to help us not look like total slobs. Abi also noticed last minute that there was a $20 fee if we didn't return pool towels to the towel return, so yay to her for catching that and saving us that extra charge. I took a picture of these three trying to keep sleeping as I pulled them closer to put their socks and shoes on - Peter done, two to go. I grabbed Daniel's leg and dragged him toward me, which probably caused him to dream he was being grabbed by an alligator!
Wes put the luggage in the car and we carried sleepy kids down to the cars. We left the lovely Marriot's Palm Villas at 4:54 for a 19 minute drive - arrived at the car rental at 5:14 am, turned in the cars and caught the shuttle to the airport. Left Fox rental cars at 5:22 and were at the airport at 5:36 (Life 360 comes in so handy to knowing all these boring data stats. The Fox car rental didn't open until 5 am, but we soon learned that we should have left a little earlier than we did to try and save every extra minute, cause we cut it suuuper close and almost missed our flight. When we got to the car rental it was obvious that Peter had gone bad on the drive over, but the shuttle was there, and we didn't want to wait for the next one, so we let him sit in it for a bit longer. 
We enjoyed our ride over as we shared memories of traveling experiences. 
There was a bathroom right by where the shuttle dropped us off, and I ran in with Peter. Thankfully I had put a spare pair of pants for P in Sophi's bag, which she got for me, and she also had a bag for dirty clothes, which we also needed since he soiled his pants. Corey and the kids waited for me, and then we took the elevator up to check in our bags. No one was on floor one, and we realized they were all on floor 2. Next time they won't wait for me, cause it would have been better to be a little further ahead in the long line than we were. Daniel told me he was hungry. Thankfully we thought to pack up all the left over pizza slices from the night before! I patted myself on the back as Owen, Daniel, and Peter happily munched on cold pizza.
We were able to check one bag for each person this time with our Delta credit card, and that was helpful to have those out of the way. (On our way here on American Airlines we only checked 6). Corey stayed and sorted that out with the guy and he told us to go on ahead. We did, and then we realized we should have gone ahead sooner, as we now saw where the real line was... There was a huge mass of people waiting to get their tickets checked. It was now just past 6am, and a marquee above said it was a 49 minute wait time!!! Our plane was starting to board at 6:25!! We were starting to get concerned. The line moved slowly and we kept looking at our watches and at each other and said silent prayers for help. It was slow but there was nothing to do but stand in We finally make it through ticketing and then to security! That moved a little faster, as we split up into two groups - me and the boys and Corey with the girls. Corey's bag got held and inspected and he told us to go head. I hoped we were going to the right place... we looked for and found the train to gate 77. The train was pulling up and we looked back to see if Corey was through security yet. Just then he came running around the corner and we all got on the terminal 4 train together. 6:45 am - flight leaving in 20 minutes.... I think we're going to make it!??? Maybe? AHH!
We got off the train and took a left and ran to the gate - "Gate 77!! Hurry!" Wes spotted it first and I ran in front for the kids to follow. We might have made a scene, and we might have looked a bit chaotic as we ran with a stroller, toddlers, and a pregnant lady in front. 
Luckily there weren't many people around and it looked like most of the people on our plane had boarded and so we came straight to show our boarding passes, one last time scanning in one at a time - the kids walked past when their name was called - Mel, Wes, Abigail, Lilian, Sophia, Natalie in blue, Owen in yellow, Daniel, Peter in the spiderman PJs, Me, Corey, PHEW!! Corey and I looked at each other relieved and laughing and shaking our heads. That was nuts!! Next time we'll try to give ourselves a little more room for error. We thanked the Lord for his help and mercy in getting us to the plane on time, with just enough time to change Peter's second messy diaper as the plane was heading toward the runway. Eating the last of our Doritos and pizza...
I think the sickness that everyone has had over the week officially hit Peter today, and I'm glad it's not in the form of vomit. Peter was an angel on the plane again. He's the easiest toddler I've ever flown with.
We were grateful to arrive back in Utah and to be able to walk through the airport calmly and without panic to get our bags. 
11 bags, count them twice, then Corey called his dad and sister to let them know we were heading out to the pick up curb.
We were surprised to see snow everywhere! We thought we'd come back to spring weather, but nope! It was freezing cold AND windy - brr! "What is this inhospitable land?!? Who's ready to go back to Florida?" We passed two gates on the way in that were headed to Orlando and Honolulu. Let's go! But  alas, no, instead we headed home. Kids were all tuckered out - I drove with Wayne in their van. We had most of the luggage and 4 kids - 
Corey and the rest of the kids were in Nancy's car. We left airport 10:40, home at 11:14. It is good to be home and we'll spend the rest of the day recovering and then going to bed early since it's back to early morning jazz band and school tomorrow. I'm very grateful we made it back safely, that we caught our flight this morning, that I was able to make it through 3 days of theme parks without much 3rd trimester pregnancy pain, that we didn't lose any kids, etc etc. It was a good trip, I trust the kids will have good memories, and next time we go, I fully plan on riding all the roller coasters, esp the Iron Gwazi and Velocicoaster, until I'm sick. :)

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