Friday, April 15, 2022

Easter Egg Hunt

I didn't feel like going out in public today, so I asked Mel and Lily to take the kids to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt at 2:30. Lily was to go with the kids, Mel was to take photos. They both did their jobs very well. Usually I seem to get photos of the back of their heads when they are looking at the ground for eggs, so I specified that photos of their faces would be ideal. Mel did a great job. Peter at the beginning of the hunt. 

Owen on the hunt.

Showing all the spoils in his basket/bucket.

Daniel and Natalie eating their treats!

Owen pleased with all the loot he collected.

Afterwards they stayed and played in a neighbor's backyard. Peter riding on a plane - he is flexible!

After the hunt, I took Wes and Owen with me and we first dropped off Wes before he headed out on an overnight retreat for YMAD - 

And THEN I took Owen to his Trumpet lesson! Owen didn't practice while we were in Florida, but he hasn't been doing great at it even without a vacation excuse. It's mostly cause I don't know what Owen needs to do cause Wes has been taking him to his lessons. And Wes is always too busy to be interrupted to help Owen practice. But now I can do it! It was fun and I think it would be fun to learn trumpet, so we'll see. Now I don't need to let Owen off the hook just cause Wesley is gone, so I plan on helping Owen practice tomorrow. Yay. Melodie and Lily were practicing tonight and it was fun to see them together. 

And we should head to bed soon - it's 10 pm - here is Peter who put himself to sleep on our floor.
Not much else has been going on the past few days, other than just trying to recuperate from our trip. Here is a picture of Peter painting on our bathroom floor yesterday. 

And it looks like Wes and Peter got a hold of my phone on Wednesday and they took a few selfies. I think Wes was giving Peter some hair tips.

Daniel joining in. 
They are BFFs. 
So yeah, just getting back into the swing of homelife - music practice, homework, carpool, etc. I had an ultrasound on Wednesday. I'm not sure why I had one this late in the pregnancy, I've never had that before, so I don't know if it's standard procedure now or they just did it for me cause I'm high risk with AMA (aka old). I'm trying to think of what I can so now to help kill time and make these next 7 weeks pass by more quickly. But the baby looks like she's doing well, and we are grateful for that. We are in God's loving hands. 

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