Saturday, April 2, 2022

Find Answers at General Conference

We enjoyed listening to General Conference today! Corey and most of the kids stayed inside to listen over the internet via the big screen. I raked pine needles as I listened, which obviously helped me not get drowsy. I really enjoyed Elder Neil Andersen's talk about being peacemakers, especially as I thought of it in view of political parties and how there are such differences of opinions. I want to stay true to what I believe to be right and true, while still showing love to those who believe differently. 

One thing that my friend Nicole and I talked about this past week, as we were both striving to prepare for conference, was that it was important to listen to Conference with specific questions. I have been trying to think of some, but didn't make much progress this time, but I did want to share one time that I had a very specific question and got a very specific answer. 

So, in April of 1996, I was getting ready to be a camp counselor up at a church girl's camp called Oakcrest in Kamas, Utah. Each counselor needed to come up with a camp name for themselves. I chose Corky, because it is very close to Corey (especially if you write it out in upper case letters! COREY CORKY - like you just have to turn the K to the right 45 degrees and it's practically an E) and cause I liked the Suzy Zoo character Corky Turtle and thought that I could make the journal for my campers around some of that art, and that Corky would kinda be my mascot. 

Another thing the counselors did for their campers was give them a pinecone legend and little gift. I was thinking of what could go along with my camp name. I was thinking of that as I listened, something along the lines of a turtle or Corky, and I got my very specific answer to my prayer and question in a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott called "Finding Joy in Life" GUESS WHAT HE SAID:

"Some people are like rocks thrown into a sea of problems. They are drowned by them. Be a cork. When submerged in a problem, fight to be free to bob up to serve again with happiness."

He said "Be a cork"!!! Can you believe that?! It was awesome! I am going to guess that this could be one of the only times in a general conference talk that a CORK has been referenced! It was amazing! And I was amazed and I was so grateful that my prayer had been answered. It went along with a message I wanted to share, too, about optimism and happiness! I typed up that quote and printed it up, laminated it, cut it out, and put it on cork board magnets that I made. 

So, that is one fun example, but I have had them often at General Conference, when I go to the temple, or when I read the scriptures. It works. If you have a question about anything in your life, God will give you the answer. Often I find the answers as I listen to General Conference. So, a little challenge for you: Take a question you have, write it down, pray and ask God for help finding an answer, then turn on General Conference and start listening. You can try the most recent April 2022 Conference or pick any random year! Just go listen and be edified! I love General Conference, it feeds my soul with light and clarity.

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