Sunday, April 3, 2022

Flying to Florida

We listened to a little bit of General Conference this morning, but then had to leave for the airport for our 1:00 flight. We will finish listening to it asap, I promise. Joseph dropped us off, and we also took Corey's parents van and left that in parking. Corey dropped them off at the airport early Friday morning for a trip to Hawaii, and so we drove their car today with some of our luggage and also took our van, and left their van in parking for when they return and Joseph drove our van home. It worked out really well, other than making us miss some of conference. In the elevator - 

Counting heads, I think we have everyone...
Checking in... "We've got 11 in our group..."
Daniel and Owen with their cute luggage that a neighbor recently handed down to us. 
My crew waiting for me as I use the bathroom.
Waiting at the gate.
It was about a 412 hour flight to Miami. It was not bad at all, mostly cause Peter was an angel. He was so good and sweet the whole time. He was acting really quite and sleepy at home, I was worried he was sick and might be having the tummy aches and sickness that his siblings have had, but there was no incident to report. He was quietly slept most of the flight. 

Peter sweetly looking at the city as we land. 

I have quite a memory log of horrible traveling experiences with our children. I don't blame them for most of it - cause, for example, the flight to Brazil in 2015 was 9 hours, and that would make anyone cranky. They were still horrible. I think we've taken those long flights to South America atleast 8 times with kids (2 flights with baby Joseph in 2000 before my blogging days, to Brazil in Feb 2007 and back on an all night flight with 5 kids June '07, Costa Rica to Chile in 2010 wtih 7 kids, Chile to US 2011 on my own without Corey, and to Brazil and back home in 2015...). I remember Natalie being high energy on that 2015 flight from Florida back to Utah.... Peter was nothing like that today. He was just totally and completely PERFECT. He slept most of the flight, and when he was awake, he'd just snuggle back up next to my arm or Wesley's leg and rest some more. There were not movie screens on the back of our chairs on this American Airline flight, which helped them all keep the Sabbath day holy. I read a book by Jeffrey R. Holland most of the time, Christ and the New Covenant. It was a really enjoyable flight, compared to other flights we've been on. I sat by Wes and Peter, Abi was with Owen and Daniel, Lily Sophi and Natalie were in a row together, and then Corey and Mel were off on separate rows with strangers somewhere in front of us. We were in the very back of the plane and were some of the last ones off. One glitch was that some departing flights in Miami were delayed cause of a bad rain storm, so after we landed at 8, we sat on the plane for 40 minutes waiting for our gate to open. Then waiting ot deplane cause were were in the very back. We waited at the gate for Corey who was waiting for Peter's stroller, which wasn't at the gate when we got off. Good job kids, you all did great. 

Waiting for our luggage. Peter, are you PERFECT?!?!

"I don't know that there is a perfect toddler, mom..." Amazing, he's modest too! And has talented eyebrows.

10pm and waiting at Fox Car Rental - I had a quick flashback to when we were here last time! Corey got a white Chrysler van and I drove a red Kia sedan.

So this last part after landing was long and slightly painful, considering we landed at 8 and only arrived here to our rooms at 11. I'm ready for bed. It's past midnight Florida time now, which is not too late for Utah, but since we're going to be on east coast time this week, we better try and get to bed. I bet it will be another hour before kids are all in bed with lights off. We're showing the kids a few gator and crocodile clips to keep them sober and away from most standing water. I'm sure we're all going to sleep in tomorrow.

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