Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Getting Outside

Last night Corey shared this video with us - Matt Walsh giving relationship advice to a lady who is concerned that her boyfriend is digging a tunnel. Here at the Wride household, we believe there are natural differences between men and women, and this video captured a lot of them. Wes loved it, Corey and I were smiling, Mel, Abi and Lily were all laughing, cause we could all see the situation and how we saw it from our male and female perspectives, and it was funny to hear his comments, esp at minute 4. "To the woman: Your problem, fundamentally, is that you think you need to understand everything about the man you're dating. But you can't, and you wont. Woman will never fully comprehend man just as man will never fully comprehend woman. We are made for each other yet we are mysteries to each other... that's the essence of romance! The difference though is that man knows he cannot understand woman and he's OK with that!" It's a funny video, and after it was done, Wes was like "I want to go dig a tunnel." I'm not a man, but I felt somewhat vindicated that I was in fact NOT crazy for my hole digging in 2020, which Ethan teased me for in his "The House" video. 

So I was thinking of that video today when I went out to work out in the back yard a little bit. I was mostly ridding the yard of dandelions. Peter followed me out and he started digging in the grass. It's a totally natural and normal thing to do. That's why everyone loves the beach, right? Just digging in the sand could keep you busy and content for hours. Peter was cute. He would dig up some dirt...

...put the dirt from his blue shovel into his green shovel...
...and then put the dirt into the bucket.
He was working hard and I let him ruin the grass for a little bit while I hoed him up a little plot of dirt under the pine trees. 
Daniel was out helping us. I got more shovels out of the shed. Peter putting dirt on the playset steps. 
Daniel tried raking, digging, hoeing, and after a bit he put down the rake and said “Mom, every time I do all the stuff it makes me feel tiiired…” It definitely can be stretching to do all the stuff. I thought that was super cute. They played while I finished up getting out the dandelions. It is definitely theraputic to be outside and to dig in the soil of mother earth. It was a good morning. 

Yesterday evening we went out for a little bike ride with some of the kids. We went to Quail Hollow. Peter loves riding with Corey.

Corey got a very nice new bike a little bit ago and has been biking a lot in the mornings, going straight up the canyon trail. I'll go to Corner Canyon, but I don't love biking LCC. I haven't biked Quail Hollow before, and we only explored one part of it, but we stopped right after we started, cause there was an irrigation ditch and the kids wanted to play. 

It wasn't incredibly deep, and I would most likely have been able to save any of them had they fallen in, which they didn't, but I was still nervous the whole time at the water and antsy to move on. But we didn't, cause they were having fun. 

...throwing rocks and logs and sticks and leaves and anything into the water. Peter fell twice on the trail, got his hands dirty once time and hurt his bottom the second time, but I was glad he didn't fall in the water. Ok, are we done yet? Yay, let's go. The kids did a good job riding, and had to walk their bikes in just a few spots. 

We rode out to LaCaille where the kids threw rocks in the water again and then at 8 o'clock (since I am the sunset time keeper) I informed everyone that we had 20 minutes until sunset and needed to head back. Getting a picture of Daniel as we head back to the car. 

They are good kids. We like being a biking family, but I do prefer biking without the little ones. Corey is very patient. I guess I just need to get a biking workout in first so that I won't be thinking I'll be exercising when we do a family ride. If I think of a ride with kids as my chance to get in a workout, it just leaves me frustrated. I'll try to remind myself it's just a family fun activity and will strive to enjoy the moment. 

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