Thursday, April 28, 2022

Good Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! It's been a really nice and good day. Lots of friends sent texts and birthday wishes on facebook, which is always nice. Corey and I went out to lunch at Bandits and that was fun, as he's my favorite person to be with. We were going to go to Blue Lemon, but the location that is near us was closed! Their website says "temporarily closed" so we're crossing our fingers that they're not closed permanently. Bandits is great though, it's one of our favorite restaurants. The other great part of my day was going to Corner Canyon and taking a bike ride! I parked at the Coyote Trailhead and was crazy enough to do my old favorite trail, up BST to Ann's East and then down Ghost Falls. Little wild flowers along Ann's - 

Leaving Peakview and riding across the Draper Alpine trail to Ghost Falls.

Not a lot of green yet, but it was still so good to get out. Ghost Falls is just a little corner of heaven. And fun to ride. "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt."

Ghost Falls is my favorite. Other than that it was a normal day. Kids had school. Owen was organizing his Pokémon cards before school - 
And then he and his friends were all looking at them or trading them or doing whatever they do with Pokémon cards at the bus stop. 
Peter wanted to got to "dinosaur school" today (other times he asks to go to "boy school"), so we walked down to the bus stop. 
If you zoom in there, you'll see that Peter had a scab on his nose between his eyes. Yesterday evening, he was trying to take his bike down the front stairs by himself, and he tripped and must have hit himself between the eyes right on a corner of a step. He was quite sad last night and cried himself to sleep after a bath, but he'd doing good today and we've been talking about his owie. As for going to school, I wasn't quite sure what we were going to do when the bus came. If the bus driver would let us on, I was planning on just letting Peter take the lead and I'd follow him and see what happened. (I've ridden the elementary bus before!) Lucky for me there is one thing that Peter likes apparently more than going to school, and Corey's timing was perfect. He rode past us as we were walking up, he went home, put on Peter's shotgun seat, and then came back up to give Peter a ride. 
That was also great cause Peter walks really slow, so that was good to get back home. As part of my birthday, Corey and Mel have been taking most of carpool this week. I am covering for the other morning driver, who is out of town with her family, which means I was taking every morning, plus also taking Lily every morning too. Spending an hour+ in the car every morning does not fill my bucket with joy. Joseph was actually here on Monday and he took carpool on Monday, Corey took Lily, Wes takes Lily on Tues and Thursdays cause he has early morning seminary. Although hooray Jazz band was cancelled today and is cancelled tomorrow. The only time I've taken so far was yesterday morning, so that has been a nice birthday surprise. And in May I'm not taking Wednesdays, so I feel like my carpool duties are almost done this school year. I can almost count them on my hands how many more times I have to drive before the baby comes, yay. 

The kids all wrote me nice cards and gave me sweet homemade gifts and cleaned the house. Wesley designed one option for our possible future dream house -
A car from my moms, with a daisy for all the kids in our family garden!
And my mom brought by a cake. We all enjoyed that after I was home from my ride. 
It was a good day to turn 46 years young and now we're getting ready for an early bedtime, perfect! Life is good.

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