Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Nikki Beach

We went to the beach again today. We parked in the same area and went to the same spot on the south called Nikki Beach. We were more prepared this time, meaning the kids wore their swimsuits. We also brought more food, so we spent most of the day. It is our last day in Miami. 

It was also a lot more crowded today than it was on Monday. And it was more sunny. Wes and Lily buried Peter.
And made a sand beach body with abs for him.
Owen dug a hole. I dug a hole too, for my feet so that I could kinda have a chair. Abi and Mel made Lily a chicken body, which we all found slightly disturbing.
The girls spent most of their time in the waves, so this is about as close as my pictures of them got, since I did not bring a swimsuit to Florida and did not go in the water very deep.
They had fun. There was a lot of traffic on the way home again. 18 miles took my car 1 hour and 22 minutes, but I did take a wrong turn again and that added some to our return trip. Corey stayed with the girls who wanted to do a bit of shopping, and I headed out with the boys a little bit before them. They went and got ice cream.

And then on their way home, Abi started feeling sick and threw up in the car. Thankfully she threw up all in her shirt, hooray, so that is good that there wasn't a mess to clean up in the car. They also gave her some of the beach towels to soak it up off her lap. So there was a big mess to clean up on her and with the towels. I went and bought laundry detergent at a CVS across the street and I washed towels and laundry for a few hours while the kids went swimming. Back at the room, Mel found out that she did get a little burnt, despite putting on sunblock. Next time she sprays, she'll make sure she rubs it under her swimsuit strap just in case it shifts while she's in the waves!
After pool time, Corey brought Owen back and let me know that he said he felt sick, so he was banished to the bathroom and stayed in there. Oh dear, perhaps we're going to start getting the rest of the stomach bug that started with Daniel and Sophi last week?!? Owen was banished to the tub for a bit, then we let him get out of that but made him stay in the bathroom playing minecraft. Then he came out to tell me he felt like he was going to throw up - I grabbed the ipad away and showed him the toilet and he threw up in the toilet! Yahoo! Abi threw up her dinner too, in the kitchen disposal, yay. Two sicks kids but no puke on the carpet, phew! I gave him a bowl to keep close as we gathered to the couch for another movie night. We watched another 80s classic - The Karate Kid.

I continued laundry. The kids liked the show. Afterwards it was late, but I accidentally mentioned how there is a new youtube series called Cobra Kai about the continued old man rivalry between Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso. We thought we were watching the trailer for it, but turned out it was the first episode and the kids thought it was really funny and were screaming their approval and begging for more, but we held firm and said it was time for bed.
But it was fun. 
So in addition to Corey grabbing and putting all the remotes in the safe when we arrive at a Marriott, another new vacation/traveling tradition is probably going to be family movies. No one is allowed to mindlessly watch SpongeBob or their own stuff, but we can all watch something together for some family bonding. :) Tomorrow we check out and head up to Orlando. 

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