Thursday, April 7, 2022

Travel Day

Well here we are in Orlando! We are staying at the Marriott Imperial Palm Villas and this is seriously the best and biggest Marriott hotel room we have ever stayed in, ever. It reminds us a little bit of our apartment in Chile, only it's more spacious. I think if we ever lived in an apartment again, we could be quite happy in a set up like this. There is so much cupboard space in the kitchen! 
It is great. If we are ever able to remodel our home, I'd get rid our our kitchen island and get a long counter like how this kitchen was designed. There are three bedrooms. Wes and Mel are in one with two twin beds, Sophi, Abi and Natalie are in the other room with the one full bed and pull out couch. and Lily and the little boys are in the living room on the pull out couch. In Miami, we were in two buildings - Mel, Wes, Abi and Lily slept up in a different room. It's nice to all be together here. 

Thankfully Abi and Owen were feeling a little better from their stomach sickness yesterday and didn't throw up on the drive. But Wes did. Luckily he had felt it coming all morning and went in the gas station to grab some plastic bags when we were filling up. Around lunch time, Corey called me telling me we should stop for food, and that was right when Wes' ill stomach couldn't stay still any longer, and I heard the throwing up through the phone. It sounded really bad, but was all contained well. We stopped at McDonald's and he was able to throw away his puke bag. It's no fun having sick kids on a vacation, but I'm glad we've been kinda spared a hard mess to clean up so far. Our pit stop at McDonald's. Hoping they each got enough food to get them through the next two hours, but not enough to throw up, if that is going to keep spreading through the kids. Wes feels better, and ate light.

Abi hanging in there. Nothing sounds good to her and she didn't eat any breakfast, but she had a few fries. 
Mel getting a Peter hug.
There was a crazy bad rain storm right as we got back on the road. It was coming down so fast that it was really hard to see, even though the wipers were going at full speed. It rained most of the rest of the drive, but it was only really bad for like 20 minutes there at the first. I was glad that we made it here safely. At our room, the sick kids crashed for a bit. Owen on the couch - 
Abi in her room - 
Wes in bed.
Corey had scheduled an appointment at the temple to do baptisms, and he headed there with Mel, Abi, and Lily. 
They ran into someone Corey knew from Business school, who told them they had to go to this gellato place, so they went out for gellato ice cream after.
I stayed home to make some dinner and get things organized in the kitchen. Peter was sweet tonight reading a book to himself. 
Then I took the little kids swimming. 
Natalie and Daniel didn't stay that long, but Peter and I were out there for a while. 
He enjoyed playing with the big ants. 
And they would be crawling on him and he'd accidentally squish them.
We watched the second episode of Cobra Kai, which wasn't as good or fun as the first one, but that's ok.
We're going to be busy the rest of this trip, so we'll see if we get to watch any more movies, or if we ever watch the rest of the series. Tomorrow we're go to SeaWorld. We're going to try and get there at a good time, so we're heading to bed and hoping we have enough energy in the morning!

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